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Multicultural Art Education

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is teaching art in multicultural classrooms.


Six Superlative Sources

· Banks, J.A. (ed) (1996). Multicultural Education, Transformative Knowledge, and Action: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Teachers College Press.

· Boughton, D., and Mason, R. (eds) (1999). Beyond Multicultural Art Education: International Perspectives. Waxmann.

· Chalmers, F.G. (1996). Celebrating Pluralism, Art, Education, and Cultural Diversity. Occasional Paper 5. The Getty Education Institute for the Arts.

· Grigsby, J. Eugene (1977). Art and Ethnics: Background for Teaching Youth in a Pluralistic Society. Wm. C. Brown. (2000, reprinted by National Art Education Association).

· McFee, J.K. (1998). Cultural Diversity and the Structure and Practice of Art Education. The National Art Education Association.

· Young, B. (ed) (1990). Art, Culture, and Ethnicity. National Art Education Association.

Other Excellent Sources

· Acuna, R. (2000). Occupied America: A History of Chicanos. 4th edition. Longman.

· Akwe:kon Press and National Museum of the American Indian (1994). Native American Expressive Culture. Fulcrum Publishing. Originally published as special issue of Akwe:kon Journal, 11, (3 and 4).

· Alba, R. (1990). Ethnic Identity: Transformation of White America. Yale.

· Banks, J.A., and Banks, C.A.M. (eds) (1995). Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education. Macmillan.

· Banks, J.A. (1994). Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice. 3rd edition. Allyn and Bacon.

· Banks, J.A., and Banks, C.A.M. (eds) (1993). Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. 2nd edition. Allyn and Bacon.

· Banks, J.A. (1993). Multicultural Education: Historical Development, Dimensions, and Practice. In L. Darling-Hammond (ed), Review of Research in Education (pp. 3-49). American Educational Research Association.

· Banks, S.L. (1974, April). The Need for a Multiethnic Curriculum. The Crisis, 81, (4), 125-128.

· Banks, W.C. (1992). The Theoretical and Methodological Crisis of the Africentric Conception. The Journal of Negro Education, 61, (3), 262-272.

· Beardsley, J., and Livingston, J. (1987). Hispanic Art in the United States. Houston Museum of Fine Art and Abbeville Press.

· Benjamin, M. (1996). Cultural Diversity, Educational Equity and the Transformation of Higher Education. Praeger.

· Bond, H.M. (1966). The Education of the Negro in the American Social Order. Octagon (reprint).

· Chalmers, F.G. (1992). The Orgins of Racism in the Public School Art Curriculum. Studies in Art Education, 33, (3), 134-143.

· Cockcroft, E.S., and Garnet-Sánchez, H. (1993). Signs from the Heart: California Chicano Murals. Social and Public Art Resource Center and University of New Mexico Press.

· Collins, G.C. (1987). Masculine Bias and the Relationship between Art and Democracy. In D. Blandy and K.G. Congdon (eds), Art in a Democracy (pp. 26-43). Teachers College Press.

· DePillars, N.M. (1990). Multiculturalism in Visual Arts Education: Are American Educational Institutions Ready for Multiculturalism? In B. Young (ed), Art, Culture, and Ethnicity. National Art Education Association.

· Del Castille, R.G., McKenna, T., and Yarbro-Bejarano, Y. (1991). Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation, 1965-1985. Wight Art Gallery and University of California, Los Angles.

· Dover, C. (1960). American Negro Art. New York Graphic Society.

· DuBois, W.E.B. (1935). Black Reconstruction. Harcourt Brace.

· Ezorsky, G. (1991). Racism and Justice: The Case for Affirmative Action. Cornell University Press.

· Gavin, R.F. (1994). Traditional Arts of Spanish New Mexico. Museum of New Mexico Press.

· The Getty Center for Education in Arts Symposium (1992). "DBAE and Cultural Diversity."

· Grant, C., Sleeter, C., and Anderson, J. (1986). The Literature on Multicultural Education: Review and Analysis. Educational Studies, 12, (1), 47-71.

· Hamblen, K.A. (1987). Qualifications and Contradictions of Art Museum Education in a Pluralistic Democracy. In D. Blandy and K.G. Congdon (eds), Art in a Democracy (pp. 13-23). Teachers College Press.

· Harris, L. (ed) (1989). The Philosophy of Alain Locke: Harlem Renaissance and Beyond. Temple University Press.

· Hill, R. (1992). Creativity is Our Tradition: Three Decades of Contemporary Indian Art at the Institute of American Indian Art. Institute of American Indian Art.

· Jorgen, R. (ed) (1992). Columbus and Beyond: View from Native Americans. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association.

· LeFalle-Collin, L., and Goldman, S.M. (1996). In the Spirit of Resistance: African American Modernists and the Mexican Mural School. The American Federation of Arts.

· Lewis, S. (1990). African American Art and Artists. University of California Press.

· McFee, J.K. (1993). DBAE and Cultural Diversity: Some Perspectives from the Social Sciences. In Disciplined Based Art Education and Cultural Diversity: Seminar Proceedings, (pp. 64-67). The Getty Center for Education in the Arts.

· Pierce, D., and Weigle, M. (1996). The Arts of Spanish New Mexico, Volumes I and II. Museum of New Mexico Press.

· Porter, J.A. (1992). Modern Negro Art. Howard University Press. (Original work published 1943).

· Quirarte, J. (1973). Mexican American Artists. University of Texas Press.

· Spruill-Fleming, P. (1990). Linking the Legacy: Approaches to the Teaching of African and American Art. In B. Young (ed), Art, Culture, and Ethnicity. National Art Education Association.

· Stokrocki, M. (1990). Issues in Multicultural Art Education. In E.W. King and S.D. La Pierre (eds), Using the Arts as an Educational Model for High-Risk Individuals. University of Denver, School of Art.

· Walker, H. (1994). African American Art: A Los Angeles Legacy. Getty Center for Education in the Arts.

· Woodson, C.G. (1977). The Miseducation of the Negro. 2nd edition. AMS Press. (Original work published 1933).

· Woodson, C.G., and Wesley, C.H. (1922). The Negro in Our History. Associate Publishers.

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