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Athens, Greece -- Ancient -- Topography | |
The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the urban design and archaeology of ancient Athens. |
· Camp, J. The Archaeology of Athens. Yale University Press, 2001. Most recent general account in English of the archaeology of Athens, presented in chronological order. The main narrative focuses on monuments in their historical contexts, while a smaller section surveys both Athens and other important sites in Attica, including excavation histories, notes on problems and controversies, and essential bibliography.
· Camp, J. The Athenian Agora: Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens. Thames and Hudson, 1992. A detailed survey of the historical development of the Agora, the ancient Athenian marketplace and civic center. Chapters are organized chronologically, so that the monuments (and their later modifications) are presented in historical context. This book is especially valuable as a companion to the study of Athenian culture, as it combines evidence from archaeological excavation with literary, historical, and epigraphical testimony to illustrate the development of the commercial, political, judicial, and social institutions of the ancient city.
· Crane, G. (ed). The Perseus Digital Library. Extensive online resource for the study of ancient Greek civilization. Teachers and students are advised to consult other bibliographic resources in print for specific names, dates, and monuments before attempting to use Perseus for research. For the topography of Athens, highlights include: Greek text and English translations of many ancient Greek authors, including Pausanias' Description of Greece; T.R. Martin's An Overview of Classical Greek History from Homer to Alexander; Site Catalog entries, with numerous illustrations, for Athens and other important sites in Attica such as Acharnai, Brauron, Eleusis, Piraeus, Sounion, and Thorikos; Building Catalog entries, also with illustrations, for individual monuments in Athens. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/
· Hurwit, J. The Athenian Acropolis: History, Mythology, and Archaeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present. Cambridge University Press, 1999. Most recent discussion in English of the Acropolis and its importance in the ancient city of Athens. Organized in chronological order, from the prehistoric period right through to the modern era and the current program of restoration, including a monument-by-monument "Guide to the High Classical Acropolis." Thorough, balanced survey of scholarly theories and debates. Extensive bibliography.
· Traulos, J. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens. Hacker Art Books, 1980. Organized alphabetically by monument, with numerous photographs and the author's own architectural plans and drawings. While the bibliography is now over 30 years out of date, and many of the interpretations need to be modified in light of recent scholarship, this work is still one of the essential references for the monuments of ancient Athens.
· Wycherley, R.E. The Stones of Athens. Princeton University Press, 1978. Until the appearance of Camp's The Archaeology of Athens, this work was the classic, English-language textbook on the topography and monuments of Athens. Although it is over 20 years old and therefore does not reflect the most recent research and discoveries, the individual chapters are still sensitive and reliable essays integrating ancient literary and epigraphical testimony with archaeological evidence. The monuments are presented in topographical order.
· Aleshire, S.B. The Athenian Asklepieion: The People, Their Dedications, and the Inventories. J.C. Gieben, 1989.
· American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Athenian Agora Excavations. Includes a brief overview and introduction to the history of the excavations, illustrated excavation reports (from 1996 on), an index and guide to the major buildings and features in the Agora, an interactive QuickTime Virtual Reality tour of the site and museum, and other resources. http://www.attalos.com/
· American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Athenian Agora Picture Books. Small booklets on various aspects of daily life in the commercial and political center of ancient Athens. http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/publications/p_books.htm
· Archeion ton Mnimeion ton Athinon kai tes Attikis. 3 Vols. Archaiologike Hetaireia, 1992-1993.
· Biris, K. Ai Athinai apo tou 19ou eis ton 20on Aiona. Athens, 1966.
· Boersma, J.S. Athenian Building Policy from 561/0 to 405/4 B.C. Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing, 1970.
· Brouskari, M. The Monuments of the Acropolis. Ministry of Culture, Archeological Receipts Fund, 1997.
· Camp, J. The Athenian Agora: A Guide to the Excavation and Museum. 4th ed. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1990.
· Castrén, P. (ed). Post-Herulian Athens: Aspects of Life and Culture in Athens, A.D. 267-529. Suomen Ateenan-Instituutin Säätiö, 1994.
· Connolly, P., and H. Dodge. The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome. Oxford University Press, 2000.
· Coulson, W.D.E., O. Palagia, T.L. Shear, H.A. Shapiro, and F.J. Frost (eds). The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy: Proceedings of an International Conference Celebrating 2500 Years since the Birth of Democracy in Greece, Held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, December 4-6, 1992. Oxbow Books, 1994.
· Economakis, R. (ed). Acropolis Restoration: The CCAM Interventions. St. Martin's Press, 1994.
· Forsén, B., and G. Stanton (eds). The Pnyx in the History of Athens: Proceedings of an International Colloquium Organized by the Finnish Institute at Athens, 7-9 October, 1994. The Finnish Institute at Athens, 1996.
· Frazer, J.G. Pausanias's Description of Greece. Biblo and Tannen, 1965. Description of Greece was first published in 1516, and many editions and translations are available, including a translation to English by Peter Levi, Penguin, 1979, and a translation to English by W.H.S. Jones, Loeb Classical Library of the Harvard University Press.
· Garland, R. The Piraeus: From the Fifth to the First Century B.C. Bristol Classical, 2001.
· Glowacki, K. The Ancient City of Athens. A photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens, this site is a good resource for students and teachers looking for images for use in term papers, projects, and presentations. http://www.stoa.org/athens/
· Goette, H.R. Athens, Attica, and the Megarid: An Archaeological Guide. Routledge, 2001.
· Graindor, P. Athènes de Tibère à Trajan. Imprimerie Misr, 1931.
· Graindor, P. Athènes sous Auguste. Imprimerie Misr, 1927.
· Graindor, P. Athènes sous Hadrien. Arno Press, 1973.
· Greek Ministry of Culture, Acropolis Restoration Service, First Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Department of Information and Education. The Parthenon Frieze. A wonderful resource for students and teachers of all levels interested in learning about the Parthenon Frieze. Detailed descriptions of each section, numerous high-quality photographs, reconstructions. http://www.ekt.gr/parthenonfrieze/index.jsp?lang=en&w=800
· Hartzler, B. Metis: A QTVR Interface for Ancient Greek Archaeological Sites. QuickTime Virtual Reality movies of archaeological sites in Athens (Acropolis, Agora, Pnyx and Philopappos Hill, Roman Agora), Attica (Brauron, Eleusis, Laurion, Sounion), and elsewhere in Greece. Very useful resource for teachers who are already somewhat familiar with Athenian topography and who want to incorporate QTVR into their class presentations. http://www.stoa.org/metis/
· Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Brief, illustrated surveys of important archaeological sites and museums, with links to other resources from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, the official department of culture of the Greek Government. http://odysseus.culture.gr/index_en.html
· Hill, I.T. The Ancient City of Athens, Its Topography and Monuments. Harvard University Press, 1953.
· Hoff, M., and S.I. Rotroff (eds). The Romanization of Athens: Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska (April 1996). Oxbow Books, 1997.
· Holtzmann, B. L'Acropole d'Athènes: Monuments, Cultes et Histoire du Sanctuaire d'Athèna Polias. Picard, 2003.
· Iakovidis, S. I Mykinaiki Akropolis ton Athinon. Athinai, 1962.
· Judeich, W. Topographie von Athen. 2nd ed. Beck, 1931.
· Keesling, C. The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
· Kleiner, D. The Monument of Philopappos in Athens. G. Bretschneider, 1983.
· Knell, H. Athen im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.: Eine Stadt Verändert Ihr Gesicht: Archäologisch-Kulturgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2000.
· Knigge, U. The Athenian Kerameikos: History, Monuments, Excavations. Krene Editions, 1991.
· Korres, M. From Pentelicon to the Parthenon: The Ancient Quarries and the Story of a Half-Worked Column Capital of the First Marble Parthenon. Melissa Publishing House, 1999.
· Mountjoy, P.A. Mycenaean Athens. P. Åströms, 1995.
· Müller, D. Topographischer Bildkommentar zu den Historien Herodots, (Bd. 1 Griechenland). Wasmuth, 1987.
· Neils, J. (ed). Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens. Princeton University Press, 1992.
· Neils, J. (ed). Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia and Parthenon. University of Wisconsin Press, 1996.
· Pantelidou, M. Hai Proistorikai Athenai. Pantelidou, 1975.
· Pantelidou Gkopha, M. Neolithic Attica. Archeological Society at Athens, 2000.
· Papageorgiou-Venetas, A. Athens: The Ancient Heritage and the Historic Cityscape in a Modern Metropolis. Archaeological Society at Athens, 1994.
· Parke, H.W. Festivals of the Athenians. Cornell University Press, 1986.
· Parker, R. Athenian Religion: A History. Oxford University Press, 1996.
· Rhodes, R. Architecture and Meaning on the Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
· Rosenzweig, R. Worshipping Aphrodite: Art and Cult in Classical Athens. University of Michigan Press, 2004.
· Shear, T.L. "Athens: From City-State to Provincial Town," Hesperia 50 (1981), pp. 356-377.
· Simon, E. Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Commentary. University of Wisconsin Press, 2002.
· Stampolides, N., and L. Parlama (eds). Athens: The City beneath the City: Antiquities from the Metropolitan Railway Excavations. Henry Abrams, 2001.
· Tanoulas, T. Propylaia tes Athenaikes Akropoles kata ton Mesaiona, 2 vols. Hi en Athinais Archaiologiki Hetaireia, 1997.
· Tobin, J. Herodes Attikos and the City of Athens: Patronage and Conflict under the Antonines. Gieben, 1997.
· Tournikiotis, P. (ed). The Parthenon and Its Impact in Modern Times. Henry Abrams, 1996.
· Travlos, J. "Athens after the Liberation: Planning the New City and Exploring the Old," Hesperia 50 (1981), pp. 391-407.
· Travlos, J. Bildlexikon zur Topographie des Antiken Attika. Wasmuth, 1988.
· Travlos, J. Poleodomike Exelixis ton Athenon. Ekdoseis Kapon, 1993.
· Von Eickstedt, K. Beiträge zur Topographie des Antiken Piräus. Hi en Athinais Archaiologiki Hetaireia, 1991.
"The Infography about the Topography of Ancient Athens, Greece"
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