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United States -- Federal Trade Commission

The following sources are recommended by a librarian whose research specialty is the United States Federal Trade Commission.


Six Superlative Sources

· Antitrust and Unfair Competition. Hieros Gamos Worldwide Legal Directories.

· Clarkson, Kenneth W. and Timothy J. Muris. The Federal Trade Commission since 1970: Economic Regulation and Bureaucratic Behavior. Cambridge University Press, 1981.

· Eisner, Marc Allen. Antitrust and the Triumph of Economics: Institutions, Expertise, and Policy Change. University of North Carolina Press, 1991.

· Murphy, Patrick E. and William L. Wilkie, eds. Marketing and Advertising Regulation: The Federal Trade Commission in the 1990s. University of Notre Dame, 1990.

· U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

· United States, Federal Trade Commission. Annual Report of the Federal Trade Commission for the Fiscal Year Ended.... The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, 1915- .

Other Excellent Sources

· Hasin, Bernice Rothman. Consumers, Commissions, and Congress: Law, Theory, and the Federal Trade Commission, 1968-1985. Transactions Books, 1987.

· Henderson, Gerald Carl. The Federal Trade Commission: A Study in Administrative Law and Procedure. Agathon Press, 1968.

· Katzmann, Robert A. Regulatory Bureaucracy: The Federal Trade Commission and Antitrust Policy. MIT Press, 1980.

· Mackey, Robert J. et al., eds. Public Choice and Regulation: A View from Inside the Federal Trade Commission. Hoover Institution Press, 1987.

· Miller, James Clifford. The Economist as Reformer: Revamping the FTC, 1981-1985. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; Distributed by Arrangement with University Press of America, 1989.

· Smith, Christopher and Christian S. White. FTC Trade Regulation: Advertising, Rulemaking, and New Economic Protection. Practicing Law Institute, 1979.

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