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Maternity Care -- The Netherlands

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Dutch maternity care.


Six Superlative Sources

· Abraham-Van der Mark, E. (ed.), 1993, 'Dutch midwifery, past and present: an overview,' In: Successful Home Birth and Midwifery The Dutch Model, E. Abraham-Van der Mark (ed.), Bergin and Garvey, pp. 141-160.

· Smulders, B., and Limburg, A., 1988, 'Obstetrics and midwifery in The Netherlands,' In: The Midwife Challenge, S. Kitzinger (ed.), Pandora.

· Bradley, P.J. and Bray, K.H., 1996, 'The Netherlands' Maternal-Child Health Program: implications for the United States,' Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 25(6): 471-5.

· Declerq, E.R., 1994, 'A cross-national analysis of midwifery politics: six lessons for midwives,' Midwifery, 10: 232-237.

· Rooks, J.P., 1997, Midwifery and Childbirth in America, Temple University Press (especially chapters 11 and 13).

· Jordan, B., 1993, Birth in Four Cultures (Revised, expanded, and updated), Foreword by Robbie Davis-Floyd, Waveland Press.

Other Excellent Sources

· Alten, D. van, 1986, 'Obstetric care in The Netherlands: principles and results,' In: Perinatal Care Delivery Systems, Descriptions and Evaluation in European Community Countries, M. Kaminski and G. and Breare, et al., Oxford University Press.

· Alten, D. van, Eskes, M., Treffers, P.E., 1989, 'Midwifery in The Netherlands. The Wormerveer study: selection, mode of delivery, perinatal mortality and morbodity,' British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 96: 656-62.

· Alten, D. van, Eskes, M., Treffers, P.E., 1992, 'Midwifery in The Netherlands,' British Medical Journal, 305: 306.

· Ashton, K., 1980, 'A home delivery in Holland,' Nursing Times, 76(33): 1442-6.

· Bakker, R.H.C., Groenewegen, P.P., Jabaaij, L., Meijer, W., Sixma, H., Veer de, A., 1996, 'Burnoutâ among Dutch midwivesâ' Midwifery, 12: 174-181.

· Beck, M., 1991, 'Independent midwifery in Amsterdam,' Midwives Chronicle, March: 72-5.

· Benoit, C., 1992, 'Midwives in comparative perspective: professionalism in small organisations,' Current Research on Occupations and Professions, 7: 203-220.

· Berghs, G., Spanjaards, E., Driessen, L., Doesburg, W., Eskes, T., 1995, 'Neonatal neurological outcome after low-risk pregnanciesâ' European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 62(2): 167-71.

· Bryar, R.M., 1995, 'The organisation of maternity services in The Netherlands and midwifery care,' In: Theory for Midwifery Practice, Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 65-73.

· Butter, I., and Lapré, R., 1986, 'Obstetric care in The Netherlands: manpower substitution and differential costs,' International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 1, 89-110.

· Campbell, R., and Macfarlane, A., 1987, Where to Be Born? The Debate and the Evidence, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit.

· Campen, J., 1993, 'A philosophical journey...practices employed in maternal and infant care,' International Journal of Childbirth Education, 8(2): 28-9.

· Cavenagh, A.J.M., 1968, 'Place of delivery: Dutch solution,' British Medical Journal, 22: 688-689.

· Clarke, P., Toms, A., Bamfield, T., Jones, S., 1994, 'Dutch model of maternity care: midwifery led service is safe,' British Medical Journal, 308: 1102.

· Committee for the Revision of the Curriculum of Midwifery Schools, 1991, Revision of the Curriculum of Midwifery Schools, The American Foundation for Maternal and Child Health.

· Conrad P., 1981, 'On the medicalization of deviance and social control,' In: Critical Psychiatry: The Politics of Mental Health, D. Ingleby (ed.), Penguin Books, pp. 102-19.

· Cutter, I.S., and Veits, H.R., 1964, A Short History of Midwifery, W.B. Saunders, op cit. Towler, J. and Bramall, J., 1986, Midwives in History and Society, London: Croom Helm, p. 77.

· Daalen van, R., 1987, 'Dutch midwifery and childbirth: a profile,' MIDIRS, Info: April.

· Daalen van, R., 1988, 'Dutch obstetric care: home or hospital, midwife or gynaecologist?' Health Promotion, 2: 247-55.

· Damstra-Wijmenga, S.M.I., 1984, 'Home confinements: the positive results in Holland,' Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 34: 425-30.

· DeVries, R.G., 1992, 'Barriers to midwifery: an international perspective,' The Journal of Perinatal Education, 1(1): 1-10.

· DeVries, R.G., 1993, 'A cross-national view of the status of midwives,' In: Gender, Work and Medicine: Women and the Medical Division of Labour, E. Riska and K. Wegar (eds.), SAGE.

· DeVries, R.G., 1996, 'The social and cultural context of birth: lessons for health care reform from Dutch maternity care,' The Journal of Perinatal Education, 5(2): 25-30.

· DeVries, R.G., 1996, Making Midwives Legal: Childbirth, Medicine and the Law, State University Press (especially the 'Epilogue').

· DeVries, R.G., Teijlingen van, E., Wrede, S., Benoit, C. (eds.), 2000, Birth by Design: Pregnancy, Midwifery Care and Midwifery in North America and Europe, Routledge.

· Donley, J., 1986, Save the Midwife, New Women's Press: 153-4.

· Doornbos, J.P.R., Nordbeck, H.J., and Treffers, P.E., 1987, 'The reliability of perinatal mortality statistics in The Netherlands,' American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 156: 1183-87.

· Elferink-Stinkens, P.M., Brand, R., le Cessie, S., van Hemel, O.J.S., 1996, 'Large differences in obstetrical intervention rates among Dutch hospitals, even after adjustment for population differences,' European Journal of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology, 68: 97-103.

· Elferink-Stinkens, P.M., Brand, R., van Hemel, O.J.S., 1995, 'Trends in Caesarean-section rates among high-risk and medium-risk pregnancies in The Netherlands 1983-1992,' European Journal of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology, 59: 159-67.

· Eskes, M., and Alten van, D., 1994, 'Review and assessment of maternity services in The Netherlands,' In: The Future of the Maternity Services, G. Chamberlain and N. Patel (eds.), RCOG Press.

· Eskes, M., Alten van, D., and Treffers, P.E., 1993, 'The Wormerveer Study: perinatal mortality and non-optimal management in a practice of independent midwives,' Eur. J. Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology, 51: 91-5.

· Eskes, M., 1992, 'Home deliveries in The Netherlands--perinatal mortality and morbidityâ' International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 3: 161-9.

· Eskes, M., Jongsma, H.W., and Houx, P.C.W., 1981, 'Umbilical cord gases in home deliveries versus hospital-based deliveries,' Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 26: 405-8.

· Francome, C., and Savage, W., 1993, 'Caesarean section in Britain and the United States, 12% or 24%: is either the right rate?' Social Science and Medicine, 37(10): 1199-218.

· Gaskin, I.M., 1997, 'Interview: Beatrijs Smulders,' Birth Gazette, 13(2): 6-7.

· Glover, E., 1994, 'Going care in The Netherlands,' Nursing Standard, July 13-19, 8: 47.

· Haan, J.H. de, and Smits, F., 1983, 'Home deliveries in The Netherlands: present situation and sequelae,' Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 11: 3-8.

· Haas, J.H. de, 1954, 'Perinatal mortality and maternity home help in The Netherlands,' Etudes Neo-natal, 3-71.

· Hadley, J., 1990, 'Going Dutch,' Nursing Times, 86: 46-8.

· Haspels, A.A., 1974, 'Obstetric care in The Netherlandsâ' Public Health, 88: 183-8.

· Hiddinga, A., 1987, 'Obstetrical research in The Netherlands in the 19th century,' Medical History, 31: 281-305.

· Hingstman, L., 1994, 'Primary care obstetrics and perinatal health in The Netherlands,' Jrn Nurse-Midwifery, 39: 379-86.

· Hingstman, L., and Boon, H., 1988, 'Obstetric care in The Netherlands: regional differentiation in home delivery,' Social Science and Medicine, 26: 71-8.

· Hingstman, L., and Boon, H., 1989, 'Regional dispersion of independent professionals in primary health care in The Netherlands,' Social Science and Medicine, 28: 121-9.

· Houd, S., 1989, 'Midwifery in some European countries, or being a midwife in Europe,' In: The Free Woman: Women's Health in the 1990s, E.V. van Hall and W. Everaerd (eds.), Parthenon, pp. 80-6.

· Hulst, van der, L.A.M., 1999, 'Dutch midwives: relational care and birth location,' Health and Social Care in the Community, 7: 242-7.

· Huntingford, P., 1982, 'Foreword,' In: Birthrights: A Parents' Guide to Modern Childbirth, S. Inch, Hutchinson.

· Huygen, F.J., 1976, 'Home deliveries in Holland,' Journal of the Royal Coll. of General Practitioners, 26: 244-8 (Correspondence: Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 26: 574).

· Ireland, J., 1999, 'One woman's birth experiences in The Netherlands,' British Journal of Midwifery, 7: 331-34.

· Jabaaij, L., and Meijer, W., 1996, 'Home birth in The Netherlands: midwifery-related factors of influence,' Midwifery, 12: 129-35.

· Jeffs, J., 1980, 'A new look at childbirth in The Netherlands,' Midwives Chronicle and Nursing Notes, pp. 431-3.

· Jordan, B., 1978, Birth in Four Cultures: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Childbirth in Yucatan, Holland, Sweden and the United States, Eden's Press Women's Publications.

· Kitzinger, S. (ed.), 1988, The Midwife Challenge, Pandora.

· Keirse, M.J.N.C., 1982, 'Interaction between primary and secondary antenatal care with particular reference to The Netherlands,' In: Effectiveness and Satisfaction in Antenatal Care, M. Enkin and I. Chalmers (eds.), Heinemann, pp. 222-33.

· Kerssens, J.J., 1994, 'Patient satisfaction with home-birth care in The Netherlands,' Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20: 344-50.

· Kerssens, J.J., Steen, A.M., Anderson, I., Treffers, P.E., Everaerd, W., 1990, 'Place of delivery in The Netherlands: maternal motives and background variables related to preferences for home or hospital confinement,' European Journal of Obstetric, Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology, 36: 1-9.

· Kerssens, J.J., Steen, A.M., Anderson, I., Treffers, P.E., Everaerd, W., 1991, 'Place of delivery in The Netherlands: actual location of confinement,' European Journal of Obstetric Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology, 39(2): 139-46.

· Kloosterman, G.J., 1984, 'The Dutch experience of domiciliary confinements,' In: Pregnancy Care for the 1980s, L. Zander and G. Chamberlain (eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 115-25.

· Kloosterman, G.J., 1984, 'Universal aspects of childbirth: human birth as a socio-psychosomatic paradigm,' Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1: 35-42.

· Kloosterman, G.J., 1985, 'Why midwifery?' The Practicing Midwife, (Spring): 5-10.

· Kloosterman, G.J., 1987, 'Some obstetric remarks on Vrouw Schrader's notebook and memoirs,' In: Mother and Child Were Saved: The Memoirs (1693-1740) of the Frisian Midwife Catharina Schrader, H. Marland (ed.), Rodopi.

· Lapré, R., 1975, 'Midwifery in Holland,' Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal, June 26th: 62-4.

· Lieburg, M.J. van, 1987, 'Catharina Schrader (1656-1746) and her notebook,' In: Mother and Child Were Saved: The Memoirs (1693-1740) of the Frisian Midwife Catharina Schrader, H. Marland (ed.), Rodopi.

· Lieburg, M.J. van, and Marland, H. (eds.), 1990, Midwifery in the Dutch Republic, Amsterdam: Rodopi (collection of English-language essays on midwifery during the 17th and 18th centuries).

· Lieburg, M.J. van, and Marland, H., 1989, 'Midwife regulation, education, and practice in The Netherlands during the nineteenth century,' Medical History, 33, 296-317.

· Lievaart, M., and Jong de, P.A., 1982, 'Neonatal morbidity in deliveries conducted by midwives and gynaecologists,' American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 144: 376-86 (Correspondence: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 146: 870-4).

· Limburg, A., 1984, 'Obstetrical care in The Netherlands,' Journal of Nurse Midwifery, 29(3): 215-6.

· Limburg, A., 1989, 'Psychological aspects of positioning during home-delivery by the midwife,' In: The Free Woman: Women's Health in the 1990s, E.V. van Hall and W. Everaerd (eds.), Carnforth, Lancs and Park Ridge, Parthenon Publishing, pp. 78-9.

· Limburg, A., Smulders, B., with Kloosterman, G.J., 1992, Women Giving Birth, Celestial Arts.

· McKay, S., 1993, 'Models of midwifery care: Denmark, Sweden and The Netherlands,' Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 38(2): 114-20.

· Mander, R., 1995, 'The relevance of the Dutch system of maternity care to the United Kingdom,' Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22: 1023-6.

· Marland, H. (ed.), 1987, Mother and Child Were Saved: The Memoirs (1693-1740) of the Frisian Midwife Catharina Schrader, Rodopi.

· Marland, H., 1987, 'All well for mother and child,' Nursing Times, 83: 49-51.

· Marland, H., 1992, 'The medicalisation of motherhood: doctors and infant welfare in The Netherlands, 1901-1930,' In: Women and Children First, V. Fildes, L. Marks and H. Marland (eds.), Routledge.

· Marland, H. (ed.), 1993, 'The "burgerlijke" midwife: the stadsvroedvrouw of eighteenth-century Holland,' In: The Art of Midwifery: Early Modern Midwives in Europe, Routledge.

· Marland, H., 1993, 'The guardians of normal birth: the debate on the standard and status of the midwife in The Netherlands around 1900,' In: Successful Home Birth and Midwifery: The Dutch Model, E. Abraham-Van der Mark (ed.), Bergin and Garvey, pp. 21-44.

· Marland, H., 1995, 'Questions of competence: the midwife debate in The Netherlands in the early twentieth century,' Medical History, 39: 317-337.

· Mascarenhas, L., Biervliet, F., Gee, H., Whittle, M., 1994, 'Dutch model limits choice,' British Medical Journal, 308: 342.

· Mascarenhas, L., 1994, 'Dutch model of maternity care: authors' reply,' British Medical Journal, 308: 1102.

· Meijer, W.J., Veer de, A.J.E., Groenewegen, P.P., 1996, 'Obstetric co-operation, risk selection and outcome,' In: Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives 24th Triennial Congress, Oslo, May, 26-31, 1996, ICM, pp. 176-8.

· Morris, S.E., 1993, 'Dutch and UK breast-feeding practices compared,' Midwives Chronicle, August: 296-300.

· Newson, K., 1981,'Direct entry method of training midwives in three countries: 1. The Netherlands,' Midwives Chronicle and Nursing Notes, pp. 38-43.

· Nielsen I., 1974, 'An American midwife looks at Danish and Dutch midwiferyâ' Journal of Nurse Midwifery, 19: 18-22.

· Oppenheimer, C., 1993, 'Organising midwifery led care in The Netherlands,' British Medical Journal, 307: 1400-2.

· Oudshoorn, C., 1993, 'A new curriculum in The Netherlands,' Midwives Chronicle, August: 290-1.

· Pel, M. and Heres, M.H.B., 1995, OBINT: A Study of Obstetric Intervention. The Hague: CIP-Koninklijke Bibliotheek.

· Phaff, J.M.L. (ed.), 1986, 'The Organisation and Administration of perinatal services in The Netherlands,' In: Perinatal Health Services in Europe: Searching for Better Childbirth, Chroom-Helm.

· Pollard, K., 1997, 'The Netherlands: a different view,' Midwifery Matters, 74(Autumn): 22-3.

· Pop, V.J., Wijnen, H.A., Montfort van, M., Essed, G.G., Geus de, C.A., Son van, M.M., Komproe, I.H., 1995, 'Blues and depression during early puerperium: home versus hospital deliveriesâ' British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 102: 701-6.

· Ris, M., 1986, 'Obstetrical care in The Netherlands, the place of midwives and specific aspects of their role,' In: Kaminski, M. and Breare, G. (et al.), Perinatal Care Delivery Systems, Descriptions and Evaluation in European Community Countries, Oxford University Press.

· Rothman, B.K., 1993, 'Going Dutch: lessons for Americans,' In: Successful Home Birth and Midwifery: The Dutch Model, E. Abraham-Van der Mark (ed.), Bergin and Garvey, pp. 201-11.

· Rothman, B.K., 1996, 'Women, providers, and control,' MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 4: 479-82.

· Salamon, Y., 1989, Midwifery practice in ARM Issue, 40: 18.

· Schilling, H., 1992, Religion, Political Culture and the Emergence of Early Modern Society: Essays on German and Dutch History, E.J. Brill.

· Scherjon, S., 1986, 'A comparison between the organization of obstetrics in Denmark and The Netherlands,' British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 93: 684-9.

· Senden, I.P.M., Wetering, M.D., Eskes, T.K.A.B., Bierkens, P.B., Laube, D.W. and Pitkin, R.M., 1988, 'Labor pain: a comparison of parturients in a Dutch and an American teaching hospital,' Obstetrics and Gynecology, 71(4): 541-4.

· Smit, Y., Scherjon, S.A., Treffers, P.E., 1997, Elderly nulliparae in midwifery care in Amsterdam, Midwifery, 13: 73-77.

· Smith, S., 1990, 'Going Dutch,' Nursing Times, 86(38): 46-8.

· Smulders, B., and Limburg, A., 1988, 'Obstetrics and midwifery in The Netherlands,' In: The Midwife Challenge, S. Kitzinger (ed.), Pandora.

· Smulders, B., 1989, 'Home delivery in Holland,' In: The Free Woman: Women's Health in the 1990s, E.V. van Hall and W. Everaerd (eds.), Carnforth, Lancs and Park Ridge, New Jersey: Parthenon Publishing, pp. 69-77.

· Springer, N.P., 1997, 'Home birth: safe in selected women, and with adequate infrastructure and support,' British Medical Journal, 313: 1276-7.

· Tasharrofi, A., 1993, 'Midwifery care in The Netherlands,' Midwives Chronicle and Nursing Notes, 106: 286-8.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., 1989, 'Going Dutch?' Midwife, Health Visitor and Community Nurse, 25: 146-7.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., 1990, 'The profession of maternity home care assistant and its significance for the Dutch midwifery profession,' International Journal of Nursing Studies, 27: 355-66.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., 1994, 'Dutch model of maternity care: may not suit Britain,' British Medical Journal, 308: 342.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., and Bryar, R., 1996, 'Selection guidelines for place of birth,' Modern Midwife, 6: 24-7.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., and Hulst van der, L., 1995, 'Midwifery in The Netherlands: more than a semi-profession,' In: Health Professions and the State in Europe, T. Johnson, G. Larkin, and M. Saks, Routledge, pp. 178-186.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., and McCaffery, P., 1987, 'The profession of midwife in The Netherlands,' Midwifery, 3: 178-86.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., 2000, 'Maternity home care assistants in The Netherlands,' In: Midwifery and the Medicalization of Childbirth: Comparative Perspectives, E. van Teijlingen, G. Lowis, P. McCaffery, M. Porter (eds.), Nova Science, 163-172.

· Teijlingen van, E.R., 2000, 'Whither midwifery: the future of midwifery,' In: Midwifery and the Medicalization of Childbirth: Comparative Perspectives, E. van Teijlingen, G. Lowis, P. McCaffery, M. Porter (eds.), Nova Science, 365-370.

· Tew, M., 1990, Safer Childbirth? A Critical History of Maternity Care, Chapman and Hall.

· Tew, M., 1993, Safety in Childbirth, Association for Improvement in the Maternity Services, p. 7.

· Tew, M., and Damstra-Wijmenga, S.M.I., 1991, 'Safest birth attendants: recent Dutch evidence,' Midwifery, 7: 55-63.

· Torres, A., and Reich, M.R., 1989, 'The shift from home to institutional childbirth: a comparative study of the United Kingdom and The Netherlands,' International Journal of Health Services, 3(3): 405-14.

· Towler, J., and Bramall, J., 1986, Midwives in History and Society, Croom Helm.

· Treffers, P.E., 1989, 'Obstetrical care in The Netherlands: home and hospital deliveries,' In: The Free Woman: Women's Health in the 1990s, E.V. van Hall and W. Everaerd (eds.), Carnforth, Lancs and Park Ridge, Parthenon Publishing, pp. 62-8.

· Treffers, P.E., Eskes M., Kleiverda, G., Alten, D. van, 1990, 'Home births and minimal medical intervention,' JAMA, 264: 2203-8.

· Treffers, P.E., 1993, 'The rising trend for caesarean birth: Britain could learn from The Netherlands,' British Medical Journal, 307: 1017-8.

· Treffers, P.E., and Laan, R., 1986, 'Regional perinatal mortality and regional hospitalization at delivery in The Netherlands,' British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 93: 690-3.

· Veer de, A.J.E., Meijer, W.J., 1996, 'Obstetric care: competition or co-operationâ' Midwifery, 12: 4-10.

· Wagner, M.G., 1986, 'Birth and Power,' In: Perinatal Health Services in Europe, J. Phaff (ed.), Croom Helm.

· Wiegers, T.A., Keirse, M.J.N.C., Berghs, G.A.H., van der Zee, J., 1996, 'An approach to measuring quality of midwifery careâ' Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 49: 319-325.

· Wiegers, T.A., Keirse, M.J.N.C., van der Zee, J., Berghs, G.A.H., 1996, 'Outcome of planned home and planned hospital births in low risk pregnancies: prospective study in midwifery practices in The Netherlands,' British Medical Journal, 313: 1309-13.

· Wiegers, T.A., van der Zee, J., Keirse, M.J.N.C, 1998, 'Transfer from home to hospital: what is its effect on the experience of childbirth,' Birth, 25(1): 19-24.

· Wiegers, T.A., van der Zee, J., Keirse, M.J.N.C., 1998, 'Maternity care in The Netherlands: the changing home birth rate,' Birth 25(3): 190-7.

· Wiegers, T.A., van der Zee, J., Kerssens, J.J., Keirse, M.J.N.C., 1998, 'Home birth or short-stay hospital birth in a low risk population in The Netherlands,' Social Science and Medicine, 46: 1505-11.

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