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Marketing -- Multi-Item Scaled Measurement

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is scaled measurement marketing.


Six Superlative Sources

· Bruner, Gordon C., and Paul J. Hensel (1996), Marketing Scales Handbook, Vol. II, American Marketing Association.

· Churchill, Gilbert A., Jr. (1979), "A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs," JMR, 16 (February), 64-73.

· Cortina, Jose M. (1993), "What Is Coefficient Alpha? An Examination of Theory and Applications," Journal of Applied Psychology, 78 (1), 98-104.

· Gerbing, David W., and James C. Anderson (1988), "An Updated Paradigm for Scale Development Incorporating Uni-Dimensionality and Its Assessment," JMR, 25 (May), 186-92

· Peter, Paul J., and Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr. (1986), "Relationships among Research Design Choices and Psychometric Properties of Rating Scales: A Meta-Analysis," JMR, 50 (February), 1-10.

· Peterson, Robert A. (1994), "A Meta-Analysis of Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha," JCR, 21 (September), 381-91.

Other Excellent Sources

· Anastasi, A. (1988), Psychological Testing, Macmillan.

· Ballard, Rebecca, Michael D. Crino, and Stephen Rubenfeld (1988), "Social Desirability Response Bias and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale," Psychological Reports, 63, 227-37.

· Beiser, M., and J.A.E. Fleming (1986), "Measuring Psychiatric Disorder among Southeast Asian Refugees," Psychol. Med., 16, 627439.

· Berry, W., Y.H. Poortinga, M.H. Segall, et al. (1992), Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications, Cambridge University Press.

· Bocker, Franz (1988), "Scale Forms and Their Impact on Ratings' Reliability and Validity," JBR, 17 (August), 15-26.

· Boyle, Gregory J. (1991), "Does Item Homogeneity Indicate Internal Consistency or Item Redundancy in Psychometric Scales?" Personality and Individual Differences, 12 (3), 291-94.

· Brislin, R.W., W. Lonner, and R.M. Thorndike (1973), Cross-Cultural Research Methods, Wiley Inter-Science Press.

· Bruner, Gordon C., and Paul J. Hensel (1993), "Multi-Item Scale Usage in Marketing Journals: 1980 to 1989," JAMS, 21 (Fall), 339-44.

· Bruner, Gordon C., Paul J. Hensel, and Karen James (2001), Marketing Scales Handbook: A Compliation of Multi-Item Measures, 3 vols., American Marketing Association.

· Butcher, N., and P.A. Pancheri (1976), A Handbook of Cross-National MMPI Research, University of Minnesota Press.

· Campbell, Donald T., and Donald W. Fiske (1959), "Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix," Psychological Bulletin, 56 (March), 81-105.

· Campbell, Donald T., and J. Paul Peter (1984), "Research Design Effects on the Reliability of Rating Scales: A Meta-Analysis," JMR, 21 (November), 360-75.

· Churchill, Gilbert A., Jr. (1992), "Better Measurement Practices are Critical to Better Understanding of Sales Management Issues," JPSSM, 12 (Spring), 73-80.

· Comrey, Andrew L. (1988), "Factor Analytic Methods of Scale Development in Personality and Clinical Psychology," Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56 (October), 754-61.

· Cox, Eli P. (1980), "The Optimal Number of Response Alternatives for a Scale: A Review," JMR, 17 (November), 407-22.

· Cronbach, Lee J. (1951), "Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests," Psychometrika, 16 (September), 297-334.

· Cronbach, Lee J. (1955), "Construct Validity in Psychological Tests," Psychological Bulletin, 52 (July), 281-302.

· Crowne, Douglas P., and David Marlowe (1960), "A New Scale of Social Desirability Independent of Psychopathology," Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24 (August), 349-54.

· DeVellis, Robert F. (1991), Scale Development: Theory and Applications. Sage.

· Didow, Nicholas M., Kevin Lane Keller, Hiram C. Barksdale, and George R. Franke (1985), "Improving Measure Quality by Alternating Least Squares Optimal Scaling," JMR, 22 (February), 30-40.

· Edris, Thabet A., and A. Meidan (1990), "On the Reliability of Psychographic Research: Encouraging Signs for Measurement Accuracy and Methodology in Consumer Research," European Journal of Marketing, 24 (3), 23-41.

· Flaherty, J.A., F.M. Gaviria, D. Pathak, et al. (1988), "Developing Instruments for Cross-Cultural Psychiatric Research," Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 176 (5), 257-63.

· Givon, Moshe M., and Zur Shapira (1984), "Response to Rating Scales: A Theoretical Model and Its Application to the Number of Categories Problem," JMR, 21 (November), 410-19.

· Good B., and A. Kleinman, eds. (1985), Culture and Depression: Studies in the Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry of Affect and Disorder, University of California Press, 299-324.

· Green, Paul E., and Vithala R. Rao (1970), "Rating Scales and Information Recovery: How Many Scales and Response Categories to Use?" JMR, 34 (July), 33-39.

· Heeler, Roger M., and Michael L. Ray (1972), "Measure Validation in Marketing," JMR, 9 (November), 361-70.

· Hensel, Paul J., and Gordon C. Bruner (1995), Marketing Scales Database, University of New Orleans, 1995. An electronic database and book on CD-Rom.

· Hensel, Paul J., and Gordon C. Bruner (1992), "Multi-Item Scaled Measures in Sales-Related Research," JPSSM, 12 (Summer), 77-82.

· Jacoby, Jacob (1978), "Consumer Research: A State of the Art Review," JMR, 42 (April), 87-96.

· Kish, L. (1965), Survey Sampling, John Wiley and Sons.

· Kline, Paul (1986), A Handbook of Test Construction: Introduction to Psychometric Design, Methuen.

· Komorita, S.S. (1963), "Attitude Content, Intensity, and the Neutral Point on a Likert Scale," Journal of Social Psychology, 61 (December), 327-34.

· Marin, G., and B.V. Marin (1991), "Development and Adaptation of Instruments," Research with Hispanic Populations, Sage Publications, 23:66-100.

· Martin, Warren S. (1973), "The Effects of Scaling on the Correlation Coefficient: A Test of Validity," JMR, 10 (August): 316-18.

· Martin, Warren S. (1978), "Effects of Scaling on the Correlation Coefficient: Additional Considerations," JMR, 15 (May), 304-08.

· McDowell, I., and C. Newell (1987), Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires, Oxford University Press.

· Mendenhall, W., and R.L. Schaeffer (1971), Elementary Survey Sampling. Duxbury Press.

· Nunnally, Jum C., and Ira H. Bernstein (1994), Psychometric Theory. McGraw-Hill.

· Okazaki, S., and S. Sue (1995), "Methodological Issues in Assessment Research with Ethnic Minorities," Psychol. Assess., 7, 367-75.

· Peter, J. Paul (1979), "Reliability: A Review of Psychometric Basics and Recent Marketing Practices," JMR, 16 (February), 6-17.

· Peter, J. Paul (1981), "Construct Validity: A Review of Basic Issues and Marketing Practices," JMR, 18 (May), 133-45.

· Rentz, Joseph O. (1988), "An Exploratory Study of the Generalizability of Selected Marketing Measures," JAMS, 16 (Spring), 141-50.

· Revelle, William (1979), "Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and the Internal Structure of Tests," Multivariate Behavioral Research, 14 (January), 57-74.

· Rustogi, Hemant, Paul J. Hensel, and William P. Burgers (1996), "A New Look at Standardized Global Advertising," Journal of European Marketing, 5 (4), 57-80.

· Schaeffer, R.L., W. Menenhall, and L. Ott (1979), Elementary Survey Sampling. Duxbury Press.

· Silva, Fernando (1993), Psychometric Foundations and Behavioral Assessment. Sage Publications.

· Singh, Jagdip, Roy D. Howell, and Gary K. Rhoads (1990), "Adaptive Designs for Likert-Type Data: An Approach for Implementing Marketing Surveys," JMR, 27 (August), 304-21.

· Spector, Paul E. (1992), Summated Ratings Scale Construction. Sage Publications.

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