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Alcohol Advertising | |
The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is alcohol advertising. |
· Bourgeois, J.C., and James G. Barnes. "Does Advertising Increase Alcohol Consumption?" Journal of Advertising Research, 19 (August), 1979, 19-29.
· Fisher, Joseph C. Advertising, Alcohol Consumption, and Abuse: A Worldwide Survey, Greenwood Press, 1993.
· Fisher, Joseph C., and Peter A. Cook. Advertising, Alcohol Consumption, and Mortality: An Empirical Investigation, Greenwood Press, 1995.
· Franke, G., and G. Wilcox. "Alcoholic Beverage Advertising and Consumption in the United States, 1964-1984, Journal of Advertising, 16, 22-30, 1987.
· Smart, Reginald G. "Does Alcohol Advertising Affect Overall Consumption? A Review of Empirical Studies," J. of Studies of Alcohol, 49/4, 1988, 314.
· Strickland, D.E. "Advertising Exposure, Alcohol Consumption and Misuse of Alcohol," in Economics and Alcohol, edited by Marcus Grant, Martin Plant, and Alan Williams, Gardner Press, 1983, 201-222.
· Adlaf, E.M., and P.M. Kohn. "Alcohol Advertising, Consumption and Abuse: A Covariance-Structural Modeling Look at Strickland's Data," Brit. J. of Addiction, Vol. 84, 1989, 749-757.
· Adrian, M., and Ferguson, B.S. "Demand for Domestic and Imported Alcohol in Canada," Appl. Econ., 1987, 531-540.
· Ambler, Tim. "Can Alcohol Misuse be Reduced by Banning Advertising?" International Journal of Advertising, 1996, 15, 167-174.
· Atkin, Charles K., and Martin Block. "Content and Effects of Alcohol Advertising," Report for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Federal Trade Commission, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and Department of Transportation, 1980.
· Block, Martin. "Remarks on S. 664," submitted to the Consumer Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, 1992.
· Duffy, M. "The Influence of Prices, Consumer Incomes and Advertising upon the Demand for Alcoholic Drink in the United Kingdom: An Econometric Study," Brit. J. Alcohol Alcsm, 16, 1981, 200-208.
· Duffy, M. "The Effect of Advertising on the Total Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks in the United Kingdom: Some Econometric Estimates," Journal of Advertising: The Quarterly Review of Marketing Communications, 1 (No. 2), 1982, 105-117.
· Duffy, M. "The Demand for Alcoholic Drink in the United Kingdom, 1963-78," Applied Economics, 15 (February), 1983, 125-140.
· Duffy, M. "Advertising and the Inter-Product Distribution of Demand: A Rotterdam Model Approach," European Economic Review, 31, 1987, 1051-70.
· Duffy, M. "Measuring the Contribution of Advertising to Growth in Demand: An Econometric Accounting Framework," Int. J. Advertising, 8, 1989, 95-110.
· Duffy, M. "Advertising and Alcoholic Drink Demand in the UK: Some Further Rotterdam Model Estimates," Int. J. Advert., 9, 1990, 247-258.
· Duffy, M. "Advertising and the Consumption of Tobacco and Alcoholic Drinks: A System-Wide Analysis," Scottish J. of Political Economy, 38/4, 1991, 369.
· Ferguson, J.M. "Advertising and Liquor," Journal of Business, 40, 1967, 414-434.
· Guis, Mark Paul. "Using Panel Data to Determine the Effect of Advertising on Brand-Level Distilled Spirits Sales," Journal of Studies on Alcohol, January, 1996, 73-76.
· Hovland, Roxanne, and Gary B. Wilcox. "Influences on the First Amendment Status of Commercial Speech: The Future of Alcoholic Beverage Advertising," Communication and the Law, April, 1987.
· Johnson, L.W. "Alternative Econometric Estimates of the Effect of Advertising on the Demand for Alcoholic Beverages in the United Kingdom," International Journal of Advertising, 4 (no. 1), 1985, 19-25.
· Kohn, Paul M., Reginald G. Smart and Alan C. Ogborne. "Effects of Two Kinds of Alcohol Advertising on Subsequent Consumption," Journal of Advertising, 13, 1984, 34-48.
· Lee, B., and V.J. Tremblay. "Advertising and U.S. Market Demand for Beer," Applied Economics, 24, 1992, 69-76.
· Nelson, Jon P., and John R. Moran. "Advertising and U.S. Alcoholic Beverage Demand: System-Wide Estimates," 27 Applied Economics, 1995, 1225-1236.
· Ogborne, Alan C., and Reginald G. Smart. "Will Restrictions on Alcohol Advertising Reduce Alcohol Consumption?" British Journal of Addiction, 75, 1980, 283-296.
· Strickland, D.E. "Alcohol Advertising: Orientations and Influence," J. Advertising, 1, 1982, 307, 318.
· Tucker, Lauren, Roxanne Hovland, and Gary B. Wilcox. "Consumer Response to Seagram's Equivalency TV Spots," Journalism Quarterly, Winter, 1987.
· U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "Healthy People 2000 Review, 1994," National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, July 1995.
· Waterson, M.J. "Advertising and Alcohol: An Analysis of the Evidence Relating to Two Major Aspects of the Debate," Int. J. Advert., 8, 1989, 111-131.
· Weinberg, R.S., and Associates. "Advertising and Malt Beverage Demand: A Macro Analysis of Brewing Industry Advertising Expenditures 1947-1983," Briefing for Ad Ban Task Force, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 1984.
· Wilcox, Gary B. "Implications of First Amendment Doctrine on Prohibition of Truthful Price Advertising Concerning Alcoholic Beverages," Communication and the Law, Spring, 1981.
· Wilcox, Gary B. "The Effect of Price Advertising on Alcoholic Beverage Sales," J. Advert. Res., 25(no. 5), 1985, 33-38.
· Wilcox, Gary B., Dorothy Shea, and Roxanne Hovland. "Capital Cities Cable: Implications for Alcoholic Beverage Advertising in the Electronic Media," Communication and the Law, February, 1986.
· Wilcox, Gary B., Roxanne Hovland, and Dwight Fletcher, "Consumer Response to a TV Liquor Spot," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1988, 195-196.
"The Infography about Alcohol Advertising"
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