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Mycorrhizal Networks

The following sources are recommended by a professor emeritus whose research specialty is fungal growth.


Six Superlative Sources

· Chiariello, N, Hickman, JC, and Mooney, HA, 1982. Endomycorrhizal role for interspecific transfer of phosphorus in a community of annual plants. Science 217:941-943.

· Francis, R, Finlay, RD, and Read, DJ, 1986. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in natural vegetation systems. IV. Transfer of nutrients in inter- and intra-specific combinations of host plants. New Phytologist 102:103-111.

· Hamel, C, and Smith, DL, 1991. Interspecific N-transfer and plant development in a mycorrhizal field-grown mixture. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23:661-665.

· Newman, EI, 1988. Mycorrhizal links between plants: Their functioning and ecological significance. Advances in Ecological Research 18:243-271.

· Robinson, D, and Fitter, A, 1999. The magnitude and control of carbon transfer between plants linked by a common mycorrhizal network. Journal of Experimental Botany 50:9-13.

· Simard, SW, Perry, DA, Jones, MD, Myrold, DD, Durall, DM, and Molina, R, 1997. Net transfer of carbon between ectomycorrhizal tree species in the field. Nature 388:579-582.

Other Excellent Sources

· Amaranthus, MP, and Perry, DA, 1994. The functioning of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the field: Linkages in space and time. Plant and Soil 159:133-140.

· Bjorkman, E, 1960. Monotropa hypopitys L.: An epiparasite on tree roots. Physiologia Plantarum 13:308-327.

· Fitter, AH, Graves, JD, Watkins, NK, Robinson, D, and Scrimgeour, C. 1998. Carbon transfer between plants and its control in networks of arbuscular mycorrhizas. Functional Ecology 12:406-412.

· Francis, R, and Read, DJ, 1994. The contributions of mycorrhizal fungi to the determination of plant community structure. Plant and Soil 159:11-25.

· Simard, SW, Durall, DM, and Jones, MD, 1997. Carbon allocation and carbon transfer between Betula papyrifera and Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings using a 13C pulse-labelling method. Plant and Soil 191:41-55.

· Smith, SE, and Read, DJ, 1997. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, 2nd edition. Academic Press.

· Trappe, JM, and Luoma, DL, 1992. The ties that bind: Fungi in ecosystems. In Carroll, GC, and Wicklow, DT, eds, The Fungal Community. Marcel Dekker, pp. 17-27.

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