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War -- Steps to

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is incidents and conditions that lead to war.


Six Superlative Sources

· John A. Vasquez, The War Puzzle (Cambridge University Press, 1993).

· Manus Midlarsky, ed., Handbook of War Studies II (University of Michigan Press, 2000).

· Susan G. Sample, "Arms Races and Dispute Escalation: Resolving the Debate," Journal of Peace Research 34 (Jan. 1997): 7-22.

· Paul R. Hensel, "Charting a Course to Conflict: Territorial Issues and Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1816-1992," Conflict Management and Peace Science 15 (1996): 43-73.

· Paul F. Diehl and Gary Goertz, War and Peace in International Rivalry (University of Michigan Press, 2000).

· Douglas M. Gibler, "Alliances that Never Balance: The Territorial Settlement Treaty," Conflict Management and Peace Science 15 (1996): 75-97.

Other Excellent Sources

· John A. Vasquez and Marie T. Henehan, "Territorial Issues and the Probability of War, 1816-1992," Journal of Peace Research 38 (March 2001): 123-138.

· Paul D. Huth, Standing Your Ground (University of Michigan Press, 1996).

· Russell Leng, Bargaining and Learning in Recurrent Crises: The Soviet-American, Egyptian-Israeli, and Indo-Pakistani Rivalries (University of Michigan Press, 2000).

· Stuart Bremer, "Dangerous Dyads: Conditons Affecting the Likelihood of Interstate War, 1816-1965," Journal of Conflict Resolution 36 (June 1992): 309-341.

· John A. Vasquez, ed., What Do We Know about War? (Rowman and Littlefied, 2000).

· Jacek Kugler and Douglas Lemke, eds., Parity and War (University of Michigan Press, 1996).

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