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Edison, Thomas A. (1847-1931)

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the inventor Thomas Edison.


Six Superlative Sources

· Baldwin, Neil. Edison: Inventing the Century (Hyperion, 1995).

· Friedel, Robert, and Paul Israel, with Bernard S. Finn. Edison's Electric Light: Biography of an Invention (Rutgers University Press, 1986).

· Jenkins, Reese, et al. The Papers of Thomas A. Edison, Vols. 1-4 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989-1998).

· Israel, Paul. Edison: A Life of Invention (John Wiley, 1998).

· Musser, Charles. Thomas A. Edison and His Kinetographic Motion Pictures (Rutgers University Press for the Friends of Edison National Historic Site, 1995).

· Pretzer, William S., ed. Working at Inventing: Thomas A. Edison and the Menlo Park Experience (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002).

Other Excellent Sources

· Collins, Theresa, and Lisa Gitelman. Thomas A. Edison and Modern America: A Brief History with Documents (Bedford Books, 2002).

· Dyer, Frank L., and Thomas C. Martin, with William H. Meadowcroft. Edison: His Life and Inventions. 2 Vols. (Harper and Bros., 1910; rev. ed. 1929).

· Gitelman, Lisa. Scripts, Grooves, and Writing Machines: Representing Technology in the Edison Era (Stanford University Press, 1999).

· Israel, Paul. From Machine Shop to Industrial Laboratory: Telegraphy and the Changing Context of American Invention, 1830-1920 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992).

· Josephson, Matthew. Edison: A Biography (McGraw-Hill, 1959; John Wiley and Sons, 1992).

· Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. Inventing Entertainment: The Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recording of the Edison Companies.

· Melosi, Martin V. Thomas A. Edison and the Modernization of America (Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher Education, 1990).

· Millard, A.J. Edison and the Business of Innovation (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993).

· Musser, Charles. Before the Nickelodeon: Edwin S. Porter and the Edison Manufacturing Company (University of California Press, 1991).

· Musser, Charles. Edison Motion Pictures, 1890-1900: An Annotated Filmography (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997).

· Musser, Charles. The Emergence of Cinema: The American Screen to 1907 (University of California Press, 1990).

· Richard H. Schallenberg. Bottled Energy: Electrical Engineering and the Evolution of Chemical Energy Storage (American Philosophical Society, 1982).

· Thulesius, Olav. Edison in Florida: The Green Laboratory (University Press of Florida, 1997).

· Thomas A. Edison Papers.

· Vanderbilt, Byron. Thomas Edison, Chemist (American Chemical Society, 1971).

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