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The following sources are recommended by an expert whose research specialty is the Mongol Empire. |
· Allsen, Thomas T. Mongol Imperialism. University of California Press, 1987.
· Allsen, Thomas T. Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
· Morgan, David. The Mongols. Basil Blackwell, 1986.
· Halperin, Charles. Russia and the Golden Horde. Indiana University Press, 1987.
· Ratchnevsky, Paul. Genghis Khan: His Life and Legacy. Translated by Thomas Nivison Haining. Blackwell, 1992.
· Amitai-Preiss, Reuven, and David Morgan, editors. The Mongol Empire and Its Legacy. Brill, 2000.
· Allsen, Thomas T. Commodity and Exchange in the Mongol Empire: A Cultural History of Islamic Textiles. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
· Allsen, Thomas T. "Mongolian Princes and Their Merchant Partners, 1200-1260." Asia Major 2 (1989): 83-126.
· Allsen, Thomas T. "Prelude to the Western Campaigns: Mongol Military Operations in the Volga-Ural Region, 1217-1237." AEMA 3 (1983): 5-23.
· Allsen, Thomas T. "The Princes of the Left Hand." AEMA 5 (1987): 5-40.
· Allsen, Thomas T. "Mongol Census Taking in Rus, 1245-1275." Harvard Ukrainian Studies 5/1 (1981): 32-53.
· Allsen, Thomas T. "Mongols and North Caucasia." AEMA 7 (1987-1991): 5-40.
· Allsen, Thomas T. "The Yüan Dynasty and the Uighurs of Turfan in the 13th Century." China among Equals. Edited by Morris Rossabi. University of California Press, 1983, pp. 243-279.
· Amitai, Reuven. "Mongol Raids into Palestine." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2 (1987): 236-255.
· Amitai-Preiss, Reuven. "In the Aftermath of 'Ayn Jalüt: The Beginnings of the Mamlük-Ilkhänid Cold War." Al-Masäq 3 (1990): 1-21.
· Amitai-Preiss, Reuven. Mongols and Mamluks. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
· Amitai-Preiss, Reuven. "Ghazan, Islam, and Mongol Tradition: A View from the Mamlûk Sultanate." BSOAS 59 (1996): 1-10.
· Amitai, Reuven. "The Conversion of Tegüder Ilkhan to Islam." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 25 (2001): 15-43.
· Biran, Michal. Qaidu and the Rise of the Independent Mongol State in Central Asia. Curzon Press, 1997.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Last Barbarian Invaders: The Impact of the Mongol Conquests upon East and West." Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Litereary and Philosophical Society 112 (1970): 1-15. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Mongols and Europe." History Today 15 (1965): 336-343. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Il-Khans of Persia and the Christian West." History Today 23 (1973): 554-563. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A., ed. The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370. Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Mongol Invasion of Eastern Persia." History Today 15 (1965): 614-623. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Capture of Isfahan by the Mongols." Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul Tema: La Persia nel Medioevo. Rome, 1971, pp. 331-336. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Mongol Commanders in Afghanistan and India According to the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri of Juzjani." Central Asiatic Journal 9 (1964): 235-247. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "Kirakos of Ganjak on the Mongols." Central Asiatic Journal 8 (1963): 199-214. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "Minorsky's Marginal Commentary on Houdas's Translation of Nasavi's Life of Sultan Jalal-ad-Din Khwarazm-Shah." Yadname-ye Minorsky. Tehran, 1969, pp. 1-7. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "The Death of the Last 'Abbasid Caliph: A Contemporary Muslim Account." Journal of Semitic Studies 6 (1961): 145-50. Reprinted in The Mongol World Empire, 1206-1370, edited by John A. Boyle, Variorum Reprints, 1977.
· Boyle, J.A. "Some Additional Notes on the Mongolian Names in the History of the Nation of the Archers." Researches in Altaic Languages. Budapest, 1975, pp. 33-42.
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· Boyle, J.A. "Turkish and Mongol Shamanism in the Middle Ages." Folklore 83 (1972): 177-193.
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· Buell, Paul D. "Kalmyk Tanggaci People: Thoughts on the Mechanics and Impact of Mongol Expansion." Mongolian Studies 6 (1980): 41-59.
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· Buell, Paul D. "The Role of the Sino-Mongolian Frontier Zone in the Rise of Cinggis-Qan." In Studies on Mongolia: Proceedings of the First North American Conference on Mongolian Studies. Edited by H.G. Schwarz. Western Washington University, 1979, pp. 63-76.
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· Buell, Paul D., Eugene N. Anderson, and Charles Perry, trans. A Soup for the Qan Chinese Dietary Medicine of the Mongol Era As Seen Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan Cheng-yao. Kegan Paul International (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series), 2000.
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"The Infography about the Mongol Empire"
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