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Miracle -- Concept of

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the concept of miracle.


Six Superlative Sources

· Brown, Colin. Miracles and the Critical Mind (Eerdmans, 1984).

· Burns, R.M. The Great Debate on Miracles (Associated University Presses, 1981).

· Colwell, Gary. "On Defining Away the Miraculous," Philosophy 57 (1982) 327-37.

· Hume, David. "Of Miracles," in Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding, ed. L.A. Selby-Bigg (Oxford University Press, 1975).

· Larmer, Robert. Water into Wine? (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988, reprinted, 1996).

· Miracles, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Other Excellent Sources


· Miracle

-- BOOKS --

· Aquinas, Saint. Summa Theologica (various editions).

· Aquinas, Saint. Summa Contra Gentiles(various editions).

· Augustine, Saint. City of God, trans. by Gerald G. Walsh, S.J. Honan and Daniel Honan, in The Fathers of the Church (Catholic University of America Press, 1954).

· Augustine, Saint. Of True Religion, in Augustine: The Earlier Writings, ed. by J.H.S. Burleigh, The Library of Christian Classics, vol. 6 (Westminister Press, 1953).

· Augustine, Saint., The Retractions, trans. by Sister Mary I. Bogan, in The Fathers of the Church, vol. 60 (Catholic University of America Press, 1968).

· Basinger, David, and Basinger, Randall. Philosophy and Miracle (Edwin Mellen Press, 1986).

· Beckwith, Francis. David Hume's Argument against Miracles: A Critical Analysis (University Press of America, 1989).

· Campbell, George. Dissertation on Miracles (1762, rpt. Garland Publishing, 1983).

· Flew, Antony. Hume's Philosophy of Belief (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961).

· Flew, Antony. God and Philosophy (Hutchinson, 1966).

· Geisler, Norman. Miracles and Modern Thought (Zondervan, 1982).

· Houston, J. Reported Miracles: A Critique of Hume (Cambridge University Press, 1994).

· Jaki, Stanley. Miracles and Physics (Christendom Press, 1989).

· Larmer, Robert, ed. Questions of Miracle (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996).

· Levine, Michael. Hume and the Problem of Miracles: A Solution (Kluwer, 1989).

· Lewis, C.S. Miracles: A Preliminary Study (1947, rpt. Fontana, 1974).

· Lias, John J. Are Miracles Credible? (Hodder and Stoughton, 1883).

· Moule, C.F.D., ed. Miracles: Cambridge Studies in Their Philosophy and History (A.R. Mowbray, 1965).

· Mozley, J.B. Eight Lectures on Miracles (Longmans, Green, 1898).

· Newman, John Henry. Two Essays on Biblical and on Ecclesiastical Miracles (Longmans, Green, 1890).

· Swinburne, Richard. The Concept of Miracle (Macmillan, 1970).

· Tennant, F.R. Miracle and Its Philosophical Presuppositions (Cambridge University Press, 1925).

· Woolston, Thomas. Six Discourses on the Miracles of Our Saviour and Defences of His Discourses (1727-1730, rpt. Garland Publishing, 1979).


· Adams, Robert M. "Miracles, Laws of Nature and Causation-II," The Aristotelian Society 60 (1992) 207-222.

· Ahern, Dennis. "Miracles and Physical Impossibility," Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1977) 71-79.

· Armstrong, Benjamin F. "Hume's Actual Argument against Belief in Miracles," History of Philosophy Quarterly 12 (1995) 65-76.

· Basinger, David. "Christian Theism and the Concept of Miracle: Some Epistemological Perplexities," Southern Journal of Philosophy 18 (1980) 137-150.

· Basinger, David. "Miracles and Natural Explanations," Sophia 26 (1987) 22-26.

· Basinger, David. "Miracles as Evidence for Theism: A Surrejoinder," Sophia 29(1) (1990) 56-59.

· Beckwith, Francis. "Hume's Evidential/Testimonial Epistemology, Probability and Miracles," Logos 12 (1991) 87-104.

· Blackman, Larry. "The Logical Impossibility of Miracles in Hume," International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (1979) 179-187.

· Boden, Margaret. "Miracles and Scientific Explanation," Ratio 11 (1969) 137-144.

· Broad, C.D. "Hume's Theory of the Credibility of Miracles," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 17 (1916-17) 77-94.

· Burhenn, Herbert. "Attributing Miracles to Agents: Reply to George D. Chryssides," Religious Studies 13 (1977) 485-489.

· Chryssides, George. "Miracles and Agents," Religious Studies 11 (1975) 319-327.

· Collier, John. "Against Miracles," Dialogue 25 (1986) 349-352.

· Conway, David A. "Miracles, Evidence, and Contrary Religions," Sophia 22 (1983) 3-14.

· Daston, Lorraine. "Marvellous Facts and Miraculous Evidence in Early Modern Europe," Critical Inquiry 18 (1991) 93-124.

· Diamond, Malcolm. "Miracles," Religious Studies 9 (1973) 307-324.

· Dietl, Paul. "On Miracles," American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (1968) 130-134.

· Erlandson, Douglas K. "A New Look at Miracles," Religious Studies 13 (1977) 417-428.

· Evans, C. Stephen. "Critical Historical Judgment and Biblical Faith," Faith and Philosophy 10 (1994) 184-206.

· Gaskin, J.C.A. "Miracles and the Religiously Significant Coincidence," Ratio 17 (1975) 72-81.

· Gill, John B. "Miracles with Method," Sophia 16 (1977) 19-26.

· Hambourger, Robert. "Belief in Miracles and Hume's Essay," Nous 14 (1980) 587-603.

· Hoffman, Joshua. "Comments on 'Miracles and the Laws of Nature,'" Faith and Philosophy 2 (1985) 347-352.

· Keller, James. "A Moral Argument against Miracles," Faith and Philosophy 12 (1995) 54-78.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles and Criteria," Sophia 23 (1984) 5-12.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles and the Laws of Nature," Dialogue 24 (1985) 225-235.

· Larmer, Robert. "Against 'Against Miracles,'" Sophia 27 (1988).

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles and Natural Explanations: A Rejoinder," Sophia 28 (1989) 7-12.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles, Evidence and Theism: A Further Apologia," Sophia 33 (1994) 51-57.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles and Conservation Laws: A Reply to Professor MacGill," Sophia 31 (1992) 89-95.

· Larmer, Robert. "David Hume and the Miraculous," in Questions of Miracle, ed. Robert Larmer (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996) 26-39.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles and Testimony: A Reply to Wiebe," in Questions of Miracle, ed. Robert Larmer (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996) 121-131.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracles as Evidence for God," in God and Argument, ed. William Sweet (University of Ottawa Press, 1999) 253-63.

· Langtry, Bruce. "Miracles and Rival Systems of Religion," Sophia 24 (1985) 21-31.

· Larmer, Robert. "Miracle and Paradox," American Philosophical Quarterly 4 (1967) 308-14.

· Nowell-Smith, Patrick. "Miracles: The Philosophical Approach," in Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, ed. William L. Rowe and William J. Wainwright (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973) 392-400.

· Odegard, Douglas. "Miracles and Good Evidence," Religious Studies 18 (1982) 37-46.

· Overall, Christine. "Miracles as Evidence against the Existence of God," Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (1985) 347-53.

· Overall, Christine. "Miracles and God: A Reply to Robert A.H. Larmer," Dialogue 36 (1997) 741-52.

· Robinson, Guy. "Miracles" Ratio 9 (1967) 155-66.

· Slupik, Chris. "A New Interpretation of Hume's 'Of Miracles,'" Religious Studies 31 (1995) 517-536.

· Taylor, A.E. "David Hume and the Miraculous," in Philosophical Studies (Macmillan, 1934) 330-365.

· Thornton, J.C. "Miracles and God's Existence," Philosophy 59 (1984) 219-229.

· Walker, Ian. "Miracles and Violations," International Journal For Philosophy of Religion 13 (1982) 103-108.

· Walker, Ian. "Miracles and Coincidences," Sophia 22 (1983) 29-36.

· Young, Robert. "Miracles and Epistemology," Religious Studies 8 (1972) 115-126.

· Young, Robert. "Miracles and Physical Impossibility," Sophia 11 (1972) 29-35.

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