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Lispector, Clarice (1924-1977)

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Brazilian author Clarice Lispector.


Six Superlative Sources

· Castillo, Debra A. Talking Back: Toward a Latin American Feminist Literary Criticism. Cornell University Press, 1992.

· Cixous, Hélene. Reading with Clarice Lispector. Edited, translated, and introduced by Verena Andermatt Conley. University of Minnesota Press, 1990.

· Fitz, Earl E. Clarice Lispector. Twayne, 1985.

· Fitz, Earl E. Sexuality and Being in the Poststructuralist Universe of Clarice Lispector: The Différance of Desire. University of Texas Press, 2001.

· Lindstrom, Naomi. Women's Voice in Latin American Literature. Lynne Rienner, 1989.

· Peixoto, Marta. Passionate Fictions: Gender, Narrative, and Violence in Clarice Lispector. University of Minnesota Press, 1994.

Other Excellent Sources

-- ONLINE --

· Clarice Lispector. Babelguides: World Literature in Translation.

· Gutierrez, Rachel. Clarice Lispector. Vidas Lusófonas (Lives of the Portuguese-Speaking World). Translated by Carla Sherman.

-- PRINT --

· Brasil, Assis. Clarice Lispector: Ensaio. Organização Simões, 1969.

· Cixous, Hélène. "A la Lumière d'une Pomme." L'heure de Clarice Lispector. Éditions des Femmes, 1989. 117-120.

· Cixous, Hélène. "Difficult Joys." The Body and the Text: Hélène Cixous, Reading and Teaching. Ed. Helen Wilcox, Keith McWatters, Ann Thompson, and Linda R. Williams. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. 5-30.

· Cixous, Hélène. "Reaching the Point of Wheat, or a Portrait of the Artist as a Maturing Woman." New Literary History 19, 1 (1987): 1-21. Reprinted in English in Remate de Males 9 (1989): 39-54.

· Cixous, Hélène. Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing. The Welleck Library Lectures, April 24-26, 1990, at the University of California, Irvine, 6 sound cassettes (approximately 360 minutes). Accompanied by a program sheet and "A Checklist of Work by and about Hélène Cixous," compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan, 107 pp. Available in print as Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing. Translated by Sarah Cornell and Susan Sellers. Columbia University Press, 1993.

· Cixous, Hélène. Vivre l'Orange/ To Live the Orange. Bilingual edition. Éditions des Femmes, 1979.

· Clarice Lispector, 1920-1977. Special issue of Parole Métèque 2 (Autumn 1989).

· Gotlib, Nádia Battella. "Um Fio de Voz: Histórias de Clarice." In Clarice Lispector: "A Paixão Segundo G.H." Critical edition. Ed. Benedito Nunes. Coleção Arquivos 13. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and UNESCO, 1988. 161-195.

· Gotlib, Nádia Battella. Três Vezes Clarice. Papéis Avulsos 7. Centro Inerdisciplinar de Estudios Contemporâneos, 1988. 36 pp.

· Machado, Regina Helena de Oliveira. "Crime e Desistencia nos Textos de Clarice Lispector." Remate de Males 9 (1989): 119-130.

· Marting, Diane E., ed.. Lispector, Clarice. A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1993.

· Nunes, Benedito. "Introdução do Coordenador; Nota Filológica." In Clarice Lispector: "A Paixão Segundo G.H." Critical ed. Ed. Nunes. Coleção Arquivos, 13. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and UNESCO, 1988. xxiv-xxxiii; xxxiv-xxxviii.

· Nunes, Benedito. O Drama da Linguagem: Uma Leitura de Clarice Lispector. Serie Temas, v. 12, Estudos Literários. Editora Atica, 1989.

· Nunes, Benedito. Leitura de Clarice Lispector. Coleção Escritores de Hoje, 2. Edições Quíron, 1973.

· Nunes, Benedito. O Mundo de Clarice Lispector. Preface by Arthur Cezar Ferreira Reis. Edições Governo do Estado do Amazonas, 1966.

· Nunes, Benedito. "O Mundo Imaginário de Clarice Lispector." In O Dorso de Tigre. Perspectiva, 1969. 93-139. 2nd edition, 1976. 91-139.

· Nunes, Benedito. "A Paixão de Clarice Lispector." Revista de Cultura do Pará 8, 32 (1978): 63. Reprinted as "Filosofia e Literatura: A Paixão de Clarice Lispector." Almanaque: Cadernos de Literatura e Ensaio 13 (1981), Suplemento Literário: 33-41. Translated into German by Ingrid Schamborn. "Clarice Lispector's Passion." In Brasilianische Literatur. Ed. Mechtild Strausfeld. Surkamp, 1984. 273-288.

· Oliveira, Solange Ribeiro de. A Barata e a Crisálida: O Romance de Clarice Lispector. José Olympio; Instituto Nacional do Livro, Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória; 1985.

· Patai, Daphne. "Clarice Lispector and the Clamor of the Ineffable." Kentucky Romance Quarterly 27, 2 (1980): 133-149.

· Payne, Judith A. "The Heroic Journey: A Feminine Model in Clarice Lispector's Perto do Coração Selvagem and Água Viva." Romance Languages Annual, 1991.

· Sá, Olga de. "Clarice Lispector: A Travessia do Oposto." Ph.D. diss., Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 1985.

· Sá, Olga de. A Escritura de Clarice Lispector. Vozes, 1979.

· Sá, Olga de. "Instants: Notes sur l'Oeuvre de Clarice Lispector." Europe 60, 640-641 (Aug.-Sept. 1982): 96-106.

· Varin, Claire. "L'Arrêt de Vie." Trois 5, 3 (Spring-Summer 1990): 45-54.

· Varin, Claire. "Clarice, Olho-de-gato." Remate de males 9 (1989): 55-61.

· Varin, Claire. Lengues de Feu: Essai sur Clarice Lispecto. Collection Vedute. Editions Trois, 1990.

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