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Climate Change and Biodiversity | |
The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the effects of climate change on biodiversity. |
· Melillo, J.M., I.C. Prentice, G.D. Farquhar, E.-D. Schulze, and O.E. Sala. 1996. Terrestrial biotic responses to environmental change and feedbacks to climate. In: Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change (Houghton, J.T., L.G. Meira Filho, B.A. Callander, N. Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell, eds.), pp. 445-481. Cambridge University Press.
· Holt, R.D. 1990. The microevolutionary consequences of climate change. Trends Ecol. Evol. 5:311-315.
· Parmesan, C. 1996. Evolution and ecology: Climate and species' range. Nature 382:765-766.
· Peters, R.L., and J.D.S. Darling. 1985. The greenhouse effect and nature reserves. BioScience 35:707-717.
· MacArthur, R.A. 1972. Geographical Ecology. Princeton University Press.
· Peterson, A.T., J. Soberón, and V. Sánchez-Cordero. 1999. Conservatism of ecological niches in evolutionary time. Science 285:1265-1267.
· Balmford, A., and A. Long. 1994. Avian endemism and forest loss. Nature 372:623-624.
· Barton, N.H. 1979. The dynamics of hybrid zones. Heredity 43:341-359.
· Bazykin, A.D. 1969. Hypothetical mechanism of speciation. Evolution 23:685-687.
· Beurden, E.V. 1981. Bioclimatic limits to the spread of Bufo marinus in Australia: A baseline. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia 1:143-149.
· Bloch E., et al. 1995. Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Biological Sciences. National Science Foundation.
· Brooks, T. 2000. Living on the edge. Nature 403:26-27.
· Brown, J.L., G.C. Stevens, and D.M. Kaufman. 1996. The geographic range: Size, shape, boundaries, and internal structure. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 27:597-623.
· Buddemeier, R.W., and D.G. Fautin. 1996. Global CO2 and evolution among the Scleractinia. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique, Monaco 14(4):33-38.
· Buddemeier, R.W., and D.G. Fautin. 1996. Saturation state and the evolution and biogeography of symbiotic calcification. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique, Monaco 14(4):23-32.
· Burger, R., and M. Lynch. 1995. Evolution and extinction in a changing environment: A quantitative-genetic analysis. Evolution 49:151-163.
· Carey, P.D., and N.J. Brown. 1994. The use of a GIS to identify sites that will become suitable for a rare orchid, Himantoglossum hircinum L., in a future changed climate. Biodiversity Letters 2:117-123.
· Case, T.J., and M.L. Taper. 2000. Interspecific competition, gene flow, environmental gradients, and the coevolution of species borders. American Naturalist 155:583-605.
· Channell, R., and M.V. Lomolino. 2000. Dynamic biogeography and conservation of endangered species. Nature 403:84-86.
· Costanza, R. 2000. Visions of alternative (unpredictable) futures and their use in policy analysis. Conservation Ecology 4(1):5. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol4/iss1/art5/
· Davis, A.J., J.H. Lawton, B. Shorrocks, and L.S. Jenkinson. 1998. Individualistic species' responses invalidate simple physiological models of community dynamics under global environmental change. Journal of Animal Ecology 67:600-612.
· Dobson, A., A. Jolly, and D. Rubenstein. 1989. The greenhouse effect and biological diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4:64-68.
· Duke, J.A. 1978. Ecological amplitudes of legumes. Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin 13/14:3-8.
· Dunson, W.A., and J. Travis. 1991. The role of abiotic factors in community organization. American Naturalist 138:1067-1091.
· Fricke, H., K. Hissmann, J. Schauer, M. Erdmann, M.K. Moosa, and R. Plante. 2000. Biogeography of the Indonesian coelacanths. Nature 403:38.
· Godown, M.E., and A.T. Peterson. 2000. Preliminary distributional analysis of U.S. endangered bird species. Biodiversity and Conservation 9:1-10.
· Gomulkiewicz, R., and R.D. Holt. 1995. When does evolution by natural selection prevent extinction? Evolution 49:201-207.
· Gomulkiewicz, R., R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. 1999. The effects of density-dependence and immigration on local adaptation in a black-hole sink environment. Theoretical Population Biology 55:283-296.
· Gotelli, N.J., and G.R. Graves. 1996. Null Models in Ecology. Smithsonian Institution Press.
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· Harrington, R., I. Woiwod, and T. Sparks. 1999. Climate change and trophic interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14:146-150.
· Higgins, S.I., D.M. Richardson, R.M. Cowling, and T.H. Trinder-Smith. 1999. Predicting the landscape-scale distribution of alien plants and their threat to plant diversity. Conservation Biology 13:303-313.
· Hochberg, M.E., and M. van Baalen. 1998. Antagonistic coevolution over productivity gradients. American Naturalist 152:620-634.
· Hochberg, M.E., and A.R. Ives. 1999. Can natural enemies enforce geographical range limits? Ecography 22:268-276.
· Hoffman, A. 1979. Community paleoecology as an epiphenomenal science. Paleobiology 5:357-379.
· Holt, R.D. 1996. Demographic constraints in evolution: Towards unifying the evolutionary theories of senescence and niche conservatism. Evolutionary Ecology 10:1-11.
· Holt, R.D., and M.S. Gaines. 1992. The analysis of adaptation in heterogeneous landscapes: Implications for the evolution of fundamental niches. Evolutionary Ecology 6:433-447.
· Holt, R.D., and R. Gomulkiewicz. 1997. How does immigration influence local adaptation? A reexamination of a familiar paradigm. American Naturalist 149:563-572.
· Holt, R.D., and R. Gomulkiewicz. 1997. The evolution of species' niches: a population dynamic perspective. In: Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling: Ecology, Physiology, and Cell Biology (Adler, F., ed.), pp. 25-50. Prentice Hall.
· Holt, R.D., and M.E. Hochberg. 2001. Indirect interactions, community modules, and biological control: A theoretical perspective. In: Evaluation of Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control (Waijnberg, E., J.K. Scott, and P.C. Quimby, eds.), pp. 13-37. CAB International.
· Holt, R.D., and T. Keitt. 2000. Alternative causes for range limits: A metapopulations perspective. Ecology Letters 3:41-47.
· Hulme, M., E.M. Barrow, N.W. Arnell, P.A. Harrison, T.C. Johns, and T.E. Downing. 1999. Relative impacts of human-induced climate change and natural climate variability. Nature 397:688-691.
· Hutchinson, G.E. 1957. Concluding remarks. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology 22:415-427.
· IUCN: The World Conservation Union. 1997-1998. Invaders from planet Earth. World Conservation 28 and 29 (double issue):1-64.
· Ives, A.R., and G. Gilchrist. 1993. Climate change and ecological interactions. In: Biotic Interactions and Global Change (Kareiva, P.M., J.G. Kingsolver, and R.B. Huey, eds.), pp. 120-146. Sinauer Associates.
· Jablonski, D. 1995. Extinctions in the fossil record. In: Extinction Rates (Lawton, J.H., and R.M. May, eds.), pp. 25-44. Oxford University Press.
· Johnson, L., and D. Padilla. 1996. Geographic spread of exotic species: Ecological lessons and opportunities from the invasion of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. Biological Conservation 78: 23-33.
· Joseph, L., and D.R.B. Stockwell. 2000. Temperature-based models of the migration of Swainson's Flycatcher Myiarchus swainsoni across South America: A new use for museum specimens of migratory birds. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 150:293-300.
· Kirkpatrick, M., and N.H. Barton. 1997. Evolution of a species' range. American Naturalist 150: 1-23.
· Kleypas, J.A., R.W. Buddemeier, D. Archer, J.-P. Gattuso, C. Langdon, and B. Opdyke. 1999. Geochemical consequences of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on coral reefs. Science 284:118-120.
· Kleypas, J.A., J.W. McManus, and L.A.B. Menez. 1999. Environmental limits to coral reef development: Where do we draw the line? American Zoologist 39:146-159.
· Lande, R. 1982. Rapid origin of sexual isolation and character divergence in a cline. Evolution 36:213-223.
· Lewis, M.A. 1997. Variability, patchiness and jump dispersal in the spread of an invading population. In: Spatial Ecology: The Role of Space in Population Dynamics and Interspecific Interactions (Tilman, D., and P.M. Kareiva, eds.), pp. 46-74. Princeton University Press.
· Lynch, M., and R. Lande. 1993. Evolution and extinction in response to environmental change. In: Biotic Interactions and Global Change (Kareiva, P.M., J.G. Kingsolver, and R.B. Huey, eds.), pp. 234-250. Sinauer Associates.
· Magaña, V., C. Conde, O. Sánchez, and C. Gay. 1997. Assessment of current and future regional climate scenarios for Mexico. Climate Research 9:107-114.
· Manne, L.L., T.M. Brooks, and S.L. Pimm. 1999. Relative risk of extinction of passerine birds on continents and islands. Nature 399:258-261.
· Martin, L.D. 1994. Cenozoic climatic history from a biological perspective. Institute for Tertiary-Quaternary Studies, TER-QUA Symposium Series 2:39-56.
· McDonald, K.A., and J.H. Brown. 1992. Using montane mammals to model extinctions due to global change. Conservation Biology 6:409-415.
· Naish, T.R., S.T. Abbott, B.V. Alloway, A.G. Beus, R.M. Carter, A.R. Edwards, T.D. Journezux, P.J.J. Kamp, B.J. Pillans, and K.J. Woolfe. 1998. Astronomical calibration of a Southern Hemisphere Plio-Pleistocene reference section, Wanganui basin, New Zealand. Quaternary Science Reviews 17:695-710.
· Negro, J., and M. Torres. 1999. Genetic variability and differentiation of two bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus populations and implications for reintroduction projects. Biological Conservation 87:249-254.
· Nix, H.A. 1986. A biogeographic analysis of Australian Elapid snakes. In: Atlas of Australian Elapid Snakes, Australian Flora and Fauna Series 8 (Longmore, R., ed.), pp. 4-15. Australian Bureau of Flora and Fauna.
· Ortega-Huerta, M.A., E. Martinez-Meyer, S.L. Egbert, K.P. Price, and A.T. Peterson. 2000. Mapping the land cover of Mexico using AVHRR time-series data sets. GeoCarto International 15(3):5-17.
· Parmesan, C. 1996. Climate and species' range. Nature 382:765-766.
· Partridge, L., B. Barrie, N.H. Barton, K. Fowler and V. French. 1995. Rapid laboratory evolution of adult life-history traits in Drosophila melanogaster in response to temperature. Evolution 49:538-544.
· Patton, J.L., M.N.F. da Silva, and J.R. Malcolm. 1994. Gene genealogy and differentiation among arboreal spiny rats (Rodentia: Echimyidae) of the Amazon Basin: A test of the riverine barrier hypothesis. Evolution 48:1314-1323.
· Pease, C.M., R. Lande, and J.J. Bull. 1989. A model of population growth, dispersal and evolution in a changing environment. Ecology 70:1657-1664.
· Peters, R.L., and J.P. Myers. 1991-1992. Preserving biodiversity in a changing climate. Issues in Science and Technology 1991-1992:66-72.
· Peterson, A.T., and K.P. Cohoon. 1999. Sensitivity of distributional prediction algorithms to geographic data completeness. Ecological Modelling 117:159-164.
· Peterson, A.T., S.L. Egbert, V. Sánchez-Cordero, and K.P. Price. 2000. Geographic analysis of conservation priorities for biodiversity: A case study of endemic birds and mammals in Veracruz, Mexico. Biological Conservation 93:85-94.
· Peterson, A.T., V.O.A. Flores, P.L.S. Leon, B.J.E. Llorente, M.M.A. Luis, S.A.G. Navarro, C.M.G. Torres, and F.I. Vargas. 1993. Conservation priorities in Northern Middle America: Moving up in the world. Biodiversity Letters 1:33-38.
· Peterson, A.T., A.G. Navarro-Sigüenza, and H. Benítez-Díaz. 1998. The need for continued scientific collecting: A geographic analysis of Mexican bird specimens. Ibis 140:288-294.
· Peterson, A.T., and D.A. Vieglais. 2001. Predicting species invasions using ecological niche modeling: New approaches from bioinformatics attack a pressing problem. BioScience 51:363-372.
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· Rasbury, E.T., G.N. Hanson, W.J. Meyers, W.E. Holt, R.H. Goldstein, and A.H. Saller. 1998. U-Pb dates of paleosols: Constraints on late paleozoic cycle durations and boundary ages. Geology 26:403-406.
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