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Oak Trees -- Ecology of Reproduction | |
The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is oak trees. |
· Crawley, M.J., and C.R. Long. 1995. Alternate bearing, predator satiation and seedling recruitment in Quercus robur L. Journal of Ecology 83: 683-696.
· Dow, B.D., and M.V. Ashley. 1996. Microsatellite analysis of seed dispersal and parentage of saplings in bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa. Mol. Ecol. 5: 615-627.
· Koenig, W.D., R.L. Mumme, W.J. Carmen, and M.T. Stanback. 1994. Acorn production by oaks in central coastal California: variation in and among years. Ecology 75: 99-109.
· McShea, W.J., and W.M. Healy (eds). 2001. Oak Forest Ecosystems: Ecology and Management for Wildlife. Johns Hopkins University Press.
· Sork, V.L., J. Bramble, and O. Sexton. 1993. Ecology of mast-fruiting in three species of North American deciduous oaks. Ecology 74: 528-541.
· Vander Wall, S.B. 2001. The evolutionary ecology of nut dispersal. Botan. Rev. 67: 74-117.
· Aizen, M.A., and W.A.I. Patterson. 1990. Acorn size and geographical range in the North American oaks (Quercus L.). J. Biogeogr. 17: 327-332.
· Bonfil, C. 1998. The effects of seed size, cotyledon reserves, and herbivory and seedling survival and growth in Quercus rugosa and Q. laurina (Fagaceae). Am. J. Bot. 85: 79-87.
· Borchert, M.I., F.W. Davis, J. Michaelsen, and L.D. Oyler. 1989. Interaction of factors affecting seedling recruitment of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) in California. Ecology 70: 389-404.
· Bossema, I. 1979. Jays and oaks: an eco-ethological study of a symbiosis. Behaviour 70: 1-117.
· Callaway, R.M. 1992. Effect of shrubs on recruitment of Quercus douglasii and Quercus lobata in California. Ecology 73: 2118-2128.
· Cecich, R.A. 1997. Influence of weather on pollination and acorn production in two species of Missouri oaks. Pages 252-261 in Proceeding of the 11th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station General Technical Report NC-188.
· Crow, T.R. 1988. Reproductive mode and mechanisms for self-replacement of northern red oak (Quercus rubra): a review. Forest Sci. 34: 19-40.
· Darley-Hill, S., and W.C. Johnson. 1981. Acorn dispersal by blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata). Oecologia 50: 231-232.
· Elkinton, J.S., et al. 1996. Interactions among gypsy moth, white-footed mice, and acorns. Ecology 77: 2332-2342.
· Feret, P.P., R.E. Kreh, S.A. Merkle, and R.G. Oderwald. 1982. Flower abundance, premature acorn abscission, and acorn production in Quercus alba L. Bot. Gaz. 143: 216-218.
· Griffin, J.R. 1971. Oak regeneration in the upper Carmel Valley, California. Ecology 52: 862-868.
· Jones, C.G., R.S. Ostfeld, M.P. Richard, E.M. Schauber, and J.O. Wolff. 1998. Chain reactions linking acorns to gypsy moth outbreaks and lyme disease risk. Science 279: 124-128.
· Kaul, R.B. 1985. Reproductive morphology of Quercus (Fagaceae). Am. J. Bot. 72: 1962-1977.
· Koenig, W.D., J.M.H. Knops, W.J. Carmen, M.T. Stanback, and R.L. Mumme. 1996. Acorn production by oaks in central coastal California: influence of weather at three levels. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26:1677-1683.
· Koenig, W.D., J.M.H. Knops, W.J. Carmen, and M.T. Stanback. 1999. Spatial dynamics in the absence of dispersal: acorn production by oaks in central coastal California. Ecography 22: 499-506.
· McShea, W.J. 2000. The influence of acorn crops on annual variation in rodent and bird populations. Ecology 81: 228-238.
· Ostfeld, R.S., C.G. Jones, and J.O. Wolff. 1996. Of mice and mast. BioScience 46: 323-330.
· Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., M. Gonzalez-Espinosa, and N. Ramirez-Marcial. 1992. Acorn removal, seedling survivorship, and seedling growth of Quercus crispipilis in successional forests of the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 119: 6-18.
· Sharp, W.M., and V.G. Sprague. 1967. Flowering and fruiting in the white oaks: pistillate flowering, acorn development, weather, and yields. Ecology 48: 243-251.
· Sork, V.L. 1993. Evolutionary ecology of mast-seeding in temperate and tropical oaks (Quercus spp.). Vegetation 107/108: 133-147.
· Tipathi, R.S. and M.L. Khan. 1990. Effects of seed weight and microsite characteristics on germination and seedling fitness in two species of Quercus in a subtropical wet hill forest. Oikos 57: 289-296.
"The Infography about the Ecology of Reproduction of Oak Trees"
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