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The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is chronic discomfort of the vulva.


Six Superlative Sources


· Glazer, H.I., and Rodke, G. The Vulvodynia Survival Guide: How to Overcome Painful Vaginal Symptoms and Enjoy an Active Lifestyle. New Harbinger, 2002.

· National Vulvodynia Association.

· The International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD).

· Harlow, B.L., and Stewart, E.G. A Population-Based Assessment of Chronic Unexplained Vulvar Pain: Have We Underestimated the Prevalence of Vulvodynia? Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 58 (2003), 82-88.

· Haefner, H.K., Collins, M.E., Davis, G.D., Edwards, L., Foster, D.C., Heaton Hartmann, E., Kaufman, R.H., Lynch, P.J., Margesson, L.J., Moyal-Barracco, M., Piper, C.K., Reed, B.D., Stewart, E.G., and Wilkinson, E.J. The Vulvodynia Guideline, Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 9 (2005), 40-51.

Other Excellent Sources

· Nyirjesy, P., and Halpern, M. Medical Management of Vulvar Vestibulitis: Results of a Sequential Treatment Plan, Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3 (1996), 193-97.

· Bergeron, S., Binik, Y.M., Khalife, S., and Pagidas, K. Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome: A Critical Review, The Clinical Jounal of Pain 13 (1997), 27-42.

· Foster, D.C., Sazenski, T.M., and Stodgell, C.J. Impact of Genetic Variation in Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist and Melanocortin-1 Receptor Genes on Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome, Journal of Reproductive Medicine 49 (2004), 503-9.

· Bergeron, S., Binik, Y.M., Khalife, S., Pagidas, K., Glazer, H.I., Meana, M., and Amsel, R. A Randomized Comparison of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Surface Electromyographic Biofeedback, and Vestibulectomy in the Treatment of Dyspareunia Resulting from Vulvar Vestibulitis, Pain 91 (2001), 297-306.

· Glazer, H.I. Dysesthetic Vulvodynia. Long Term Follow-up after Treatment with Surface Electromyography-Assisted Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation, Journal of Reproductive Medicine 45 (2000), 798-802.

· Bergeron, S., Binik, Y.M., Khalife, S., Pagidas, K., and Glazer, H.I. Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome: Reliability of Diagnosis and Evaluation of Current Diagnostic Criteria, Obstetrics and Gynecology 98 (2001), 45-51.

· McKay, E., Kaufman, R., Doctor, U., Berkova, Z., Glazer, H.I, and Redko, V. Treating Vulvar Vestibulitis with Electromyographic Biofeedback of Pelvic Floor Musculature, Journal of Reproductive Medicine 46 (2001), 337-42.

· Bergeron, S., Binik, Y.M., Khalifé, S., Pagidas, K., Glazer, H.I., and Jodoin, M. Facteurs Associés au Succès Thérapeutique de la Vestibulectomie, la Rétroaction Biologique et la Thérapie Cognitivo-Comportementale pour le Traitement de la Vestibulite Vulvaire: Analyses Préliminaires. In J.Levy, D. Maisonneuve, H. Bilodeau, et C. Garnier (eds.), Enjeux Psychosociaux de la Santé (pp. 135-49). Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2003.

· Brown, C.S., Bachman, G., Glazer, H.I., Vogt, V., and Menkes, D. Subjective and Objective Outcomes of Botulinum Toxin Type A Treatment in Vestibulodynia: Pilot Data, Journal of Reproductive Medicine 51 (2006), 635-41.

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