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English Language -- Canada

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is English dialects.


Six Superlative Sources

· Avis, Walter S., et al., eds. A Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles. W.J. Gage, 1967.

· Chambers, J.K., ed. Canadian English: Origins and Structures. Methuen, 1975.

· Lieberson, Stanley. Language and Ethnic Relations in Canada. Wiley, 1970.

· McConnell, R.E. Our Own Voice: Canadian English and How It Came to Be. Gage, 1978.

· Orkin, Mark M. Speaking Canadian English: An Informal Account of the English Language in Canada. General, 1970.

· Scargill, M.H. A Short History of Canadian English. Sono Nis, 1977.

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"The Infography about the English Language in Canada"
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