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The following sources are recommended by an expert whose research specialty is the Cahokia Mounds site of prehistoric culture in Illinois. |
· Emerson, Thomas E. 1997. Cahokia and the Archaeology of Power. University of Alabama Press.
· Emerson, Thomas E., and R. Barry Lewis, editors. 1991. Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest. University of Illinois Press. 17 contributors. Robert L. Hall, "Cahokia Identity and Interaction Models of Cahokia Mississippian"; David Rindos and Sissel Johannessen, "Human-Plant Interactions and Cultural Change in the American Bottom"; William I. Woods and George R. Holley, "Upland Mississippian Settlement in the American Bottom Region"; John E. Kelly, "Cahokia and Its Role as a Gateway Center in Interregional Exchange"; Kenneth Farnsworth, Thomas E. Emerson, and Rebecca Glenn, "Patterns of Late Woodland/Mississippian Interaction in the Lower Illinois Valley Drainage: A View from Starr Village"; Lawrence A. Conrad, "The Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Central Illinois River Valley"; Alan D. Harn, "Comments on Subsistence, Seasonality and Site Function at Upland Subsidiaries in the Spoon River Area: Mississippianization at Work on the Northern Frontier"; Thomas E. Emerson, "The Apple River Mississippian Culture of Northern Illinois"; Joseph A. Tiffany, "Models of Mississippian Culture History in the Western Prairie Peninsula: A Perspective from Iowa"; Lynne G. Goldstein and John D. Richards, "Ancient Aztalan: The Cultural and Ecological Context of a Late Prehistoric Site in the Midwest"; Guy E. Gibbon, "The Middle Mississippian Presence in Minnesota"; Thomas E. Emerson, "Some Perspectives on Cahokia and the Northern Mississippian Expansion"; Charles R. Moffat, "Mississippian in the Upper Kaskaskia Valley: New Data from Lake Shelbyville and New Interpretations"; Robert J. Barth, "The Emergence of the Vincennes Culture in the Lower Wabash Drainage"; Brian M. Butler, "Kincaid Revisited: The Mississippian Sequence in the Lower Ohio Valley"; R. Barry Lewis, "The Early Mississippian Period in the Confluence Region and Its Northern Relationships."
· Fowler, Melvin L. 1997. The Cahokia Atlas: A Historical Atlas of Cahokia Archaeology. Revision of the 1989 Illinois Historic Preservation Agency edition. University of Illinois Press.
· Milner, George R. 1998. The Cahokia Chiefdom. Smithsonian Institution Press.
· Pauketat, Timothy R. 1994. The Ascent of Chiefs: Cahokia and Mississippian Politics in Native North America. University of Alabama Press.
· Pauketat, Timothy R., and Thomas E. Emerson, editors. 1997. Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World. University of Nebraska Press. 13 Contributors. Timothy Pauketat and Thomas Emerson, "Introduction: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World"; Timothy Pauketat, "Cahokian Political Economy"; Neal Lopinot, "Cahokian Food Production Reconsidered"; Lucretia Kelly, "Patterns of Faunal Exploitation at Cahokia"; Rinita Dalan, "The Construction of Mississippian Cahokia"; Timothy Pauketat and Neal Lopinot, "Cahokian Population Dynamics"; James Collins, "Cahokia Settlement and Social Structures as Viewed from the ICT-II"; John Kelly, "Stirling Phase Sociopolitical Activity at East St. Louis and Cahokia"; Thomas Emerson, "Reflections from the Countryside on Cahokian Hegemony"; Thomas Emerson, "Cahokian Elite Ideology and the Mississippian Cosmos"; Vernon Knight, "Some Developmental Parallels between Cahokia and Moundville"; David Anderson, "The Role of Cahokia in the Evolution of Southeastern Mississippian Society"; Timothy Pauketat and Thomas Emerson, "Conclusion: Cahokia and the Four Winds."
· Ahler, Steven R., editor. 2000. Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28.
· Ancient Architects of the Mississippi. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Center for Cultural Resources. http://www.nps.gov/history/aad/FEATURE/FEATURE.HTM
· Bareis, Charles J., and James W. Porter, editors. 1984. American Bottom Archaeology. University of Illinois Press.
· Brown, James A., editor. 1975. Perspectives in Cahokia Archaeology. Illinois Archaeological Survey Bulletin, No. 10.
· Brown, James, and John Kelly. 2000. "Cahokia and the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex." In: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28, pp. 469-510.
· Cahokia Mounds Research Facility. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Archaeological Laboratory. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/ArchLab/cahokia/
· Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. http://www.cahokiamounds.com/
· Chappel, Sally A. Kitt. 2002. Cahokia: Mirror of the Cosmos. University of Chicago Press.
· Dalan, Rinita A., George Holley, William Woods, Harold Watters, and John Koepke. 2003. Envisioning Cahokia: A Landscape Perspective. Northern Illinois University Press.
· Editors, Time-Life Books. 1992. Mound Builders and Cliff Dwellers. Lost Civilizations Series, Time-Life Books, pp. 33-77.
· Editors, Time-Life Books. 1992. The First Americans. American Indian Series, Time-Life Books, pp. 97-129.
· Emerson, Thomas E. 1989. "Water, Serpents and the Underworld: An Exploration into Cahokia Symbolism." In: The Southeastern Ceremonial Complex: Artifacts and Analysis, edited by Patricia Galloway, University of Nebraska Press, pp. 45-92.
· Emerson, Thomas E., Brad Koldehoff, and Timothy R. Pauketat. 2000. "Serpents, Female Deities, and Fertility Symbolism in the Early Cahokia Countryside." In: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28, pp. 511-22.
· Fowler, Melvin L. 1975. "A Precolumbian Urban Center on the Mississippi." Scientific American, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 92-101.
· Fowler, Melvin L., editor. 1977. Explorations into Cahokia Archaeology. Illinois Archaeological Survey Bulletin, No. 7. 8 contributors. Melvin Fowler, "The Cahokia Site"; Nelson Reed, "Monks and Other Mississippian Mounds"; Warren Wittry, "The American Woodhenge"; Harriet Smith, "The Murdock Mound: Cahokia Site"; James Anderson, "A Cahokia Palisade Sequence"; Patricia O'Brien, "Some Ceramic Periods and Their Implications at Cahokia"; Hugh Cutler and Leonard Blake, "Corn from Cahokia Sites"; James Porter, "The Mitchell Site and Prehistoric Exchange Systems at Cahokia: AD 1000."
· Fowler, Melvin L., editor. 1996. The Ancient Skies and Skywatchers of Cahokia: Woodhenges, Eclipses, and Cahokian Cosmology. The Wisconsin Archaeologist, Vol. 77, No. 3/4. Melvin Fowler, "Introduction"; E.C. Krupp, "Eclipses over Cahokia"; Warren Wittry, "Discovering and Interpreting the Cahokia Woodhenges"; Melvin Fowler, "The Mound 72 and Woodhenge 72 Area of Cahokia"; E.C. Krupp, "How Much Sun Can a Woodhenge Catch?"; Timothy Pauketat, "The Place of Post-Circle Monuments in Cahokian Political History"; Martha Ann Rolingson, "Elements of Community Design at Cahokia"; John Kelly, "Redefining Cahokia: Principles and Elements of Community Organization"; Robert Hall, "American Indian Worlds, World Quarters, World Centers and Their Shrines"; William Gartner, "Archaeoastronomy as Sacred Geography"; Melvin Fowler and E.C. Krupp, "Sky Watchers, Sacred Space, Cosmology and Community Organization at Ancient Cahokia."
· Fowler, Melvin L., Jerome Rose, Barbara VanderLeest, and Steven R. Ahler. 1999. The Mound 72 Area: Dedicated and Sacred Space in Early Cahokia. Illinois State Museum, Reports of Investigations, No. 54.
· Hall, Robert L. 1989. "The Cultural Background of Mississippian Symbolism." In: The Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, edited by Patricia Galloway, University of Nebraska Press, pp. 239-78.
· Hall, Robert L. 1997. An Archaeology of the Soul: North American Indian Belief and Ritual. University of Illinois Press.
· Holley, George R. 1999. "Late Prehistoric Towns in the Southeast." In: Great Towns and Regional Polities in the Prehistoric American Southwest and Southeast, edited by Jill E. Neitzel, University of New Mexico Press.
· Holley, George R., Neal H. Lopinot, William I. Woods, and John E. Kelly. 1989. "Dynamics of Community Organization at Prehistoric Cahokia." In: Households and Communities: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Chacmool Conference, edited by Scott MacEachern, David J.W. Archer, and Richard D. Gavin, Archaeologtical Association of the University of Calgary, pp. 339-49.
· Holley, George R., Rinita Dalan, and Philip A. Smith. 1993. Investigations in the Cahokia Site Grand Plaza. American Antiquity, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 306-19.
· Iseminger, William R. 1996. "Mighty Cahokia." Archaeology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 30-37.
· Iseminger, William R., George R. Holley, et al. 1990. The Archaeology of the Cahokia Palisade. Illinois Cultural Resources Study, No. 14.
· Kelly, John E. 1990. "The Emergence of Mississippian Culture in the American Bottom Region." In: The Mississippian Emergence, edited by Bruce Smith, Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 113-52.
· Kelly, John E. 1992. "The Impact of Maize on the Development of Nucleated Settlements: An American Bottom Example." In: Late Prehistoric Agriculture: Observations from the Midwest, edited by William I. Woods, Studies in Illinois Archaeology, No. 8, pp. 167-97.
· Kelly, John E. 1994. The Archaeology of the East St. Louis Mound Center: Past and Present. Illinois Archaeology, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 1-57. Illinois Archaeological Survey.
· Kelly, John E. 1999. "East St. Louis's Lost Legacy: The Rediscovery of an Urban Mound Center." Gateway Heritage, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 4-15.
· Kelly, Lucretia S. 1979. Animal Resource Exploitation by the Early Cahokia Populations on the Merrell Tract. Illinois Archaeological Survey Circular, No. 4.
· Lewis, R. Barry, and Charles Stout, editors. 1998. Mississippian Towns and Sacred Spaces: Searching for an Architectural Grammar. University of Alabama Press.
· Lopinot, Neal H. 1994. "A New Crop of Data on the Cahokian Polity." In: Agricultural Origins and Development in the Midcontinent, edited by W. Green, University of Iowa, Office of the State Archaeologist, Report 19, pp. 127-53.
· Lopinot, Neal H., Lucretia S. Kelly, George R. Milner, and Richard Paine. 1991. The Archaeology of the Cahokia Mounds ICT-II: Biological Remains. Illinois Cultural Resources Study, No. 13.
· Lopinot, Neal H., and William I. Woods. 1993. "Wood Overexploitation and the Collapse of Cahokia." In: Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands, edited by C. Margaret Scarry, University Press of Florida, pp. 206-31.
· Mehrer, Mark W. 1995. Cahokia's Countryside: Household Archaeology, Settlement Patterns, and Social Power. Northern Illinois University Press.
· Mehrer, Mark, and James M. Collins. 1995. "Household Archaeology at Cahokia and Its Hinterlands." In: Mississippian Communities and Households, edited by J. Daniel Rogers and Bruce Smith, University of Alabama Press, pp. 32-57.
· Milner, George R. 1990. The Late Prehistoric Cahokia Cultural System of the Mississippi River Valley: Foundations, Fluorescence and Fragmentation. Journal of World Prehistory, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-43.
· Milner, George R. 1992. "Health and Culture Change in the Late Prehistoric American Bottom, Illinois." In: What Mean These Bones? Southeastern Bioarchaeology, edited by M.L. Powell, University of Alabama Press, pp. 52-69.
· Milner, George R. 1996. "Development and Dissolution of a Mississippian Society in the American Bottom, Illinois." In: Political Structure and Change in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States, edited by John F. Scarry, University Press of Florida, pp. 27-52.
· Milner, George R., and Sissel Schroeder. 1999. "Mississippian Sociopolitical Systems." In: Great Towns and Regional Polities in the Prehistoric American Southwest and Southeast, edited by Jill E. Neitzel, University of New Mexico Press, pp. 95-107.
· Mink, Claudia G. 1992. Cahokia: City of the Sun. Cahokia Mounds Museum Society.
· Moorehead, Warren K., and edited by John E. Kelly. 2000. The Cahokia Mounds. Classics in Southeastern Archaeology Series, University of Alabama Press. Reprint of Moorehead's 1922, 1923 and 1929 publications of his research at Cahokia.
· Neitzel, Jill E., editor. 1999. Great Towns and Regional Polities in the Prehistoric American Southwest and Southeast. University of New Mexico Press.
· O'Brien, Patricia J. 1993. "Cultural Taxonomy, Cross-Cultural Types, and Cahokia." Illinois Archaeology, Vol. 5, Nos. 1 and 2.
· Pauketat, Timothy R. 1992. "The Reign and Ruin of the Lords of Cahokia: A Dialectic of Dominance." In: Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America, edited by Alex W. Baker and Timothy R. Pauketat, American Anthropological Association, Archaeological Papers, No. 3, pp. 31-52.
· Pauketat, Timothy R. 1993. Temples for Cahokia Lords: Preston Holder's 1955-1956 Excavations of Kunnemann Mound. University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology, Memoirs, No. 26.
· Pauketat, Timothy R. 1997. "Specialization, Political Symbols, and the Crafty Elite of Cahokia." Southeastern Archaeology, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-15.
· Pauketat, Timothy R. 1998. The Archaeology of Downtown Cahokia: The Tract 15-A and Dunham Tract Excavations. University of Illinois, Illinois Transportation Archaeology Research Program, Studies in Archaeology, No. 1.
· Pauketat, Timothy R. 1998. "Refiguring the Archaeology of Greater Cahokia." Journal of Archaeological Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 45-89.
· Pauketat, Timothy R., Lucretia S. Kelly, Gayle J. Fritz, Neal H. Lopinot, Scott Elias, and Eve Hargrave. 2002. "The Residues of Feasting and Public Ritual in Early Cahokia." American Antiquity, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 257-79.
· Porubcan, Paula J. 2000. "Human and Nonhuman Surplus Display at Mound 72, Cahokia." In: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28.
· Pringle, Heather. 1996. In Search of Ancient North America: An Archaeological Journey to Forgotten Cultures. John Wiley and Sons.
· Reed, Nelson A., John W. Bennett, and James W. Porter. 1968. "Solid Core Drilling of Monks Mound: Technique and Findings." American Antiquity, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 137-48.
· Rogers, J. Daniel, and Bruce Smith, editors. 1995. Mississippian Communities and Households. University of Alabama Press.
· Schroeder, Sissel. 2000. "Settlement Patterns and Cultural Ecology in the Southern American Bottom." In: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28, pp. 179-91.
· Sherrod, Clay P., and Martha Ann Rolingson. 1987. Surveyors of the Ancient Mississippi Valley: Modules and Alignments in Prehistoric Mound Sites. Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series, No. 28.
· Skele, Mikels. 1988. The Great Knob: Interpretations of Monks Mound. Studies in Illinois Archaeology, No. 4.
· Smith, Bruce, editor. 1978. Mississippian Settlement Patterns. Academic Press.
· Smith, Bruce. 1992. "Mississippian Elites and Solar Alignments: A Reflection of Managerial Necessity, or Levers of Social Inequality?" In: Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America, edited by A.W. Barker and T.R. Pauketat, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 3, pp. 11-30.
· Stein, Anthony. The Mississippian Moundbuilders and Their Artifacts. http://www.mississippian-artifacts.com/
· Stoltman, James B., editor. 1991. New Perspectives on Cahokia: Views from the Periphery. Monographs in World Archaeology, No. 2. Prehistory Press. 16 contributors. Melvin Fowler, "Mound 72 and Early Mississippian at Cahokia"; George Milner, "American Bottom Mississippian Cultures: Internal Developments and External Relations"; Richard Yerkes, "Specialization in Shell Artifact Production at Cahokia"; John Kelly, "The Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange and Its Implications for the Development of Cahokia"; Jeffrey Brain, "Cahokia from the Southern Periphery"; Mark McConaughy, "The Rench Site Late Late Woodland/Mississippian Farming Hamlet from the Central Illinois River Valley: Food for Thought"; Alan Harn, "The Eveland Site: Inroad to Spoon River Mississippian Society"; John Claflin, "The Shire Site: Mississippian Outpost in the Central Illinois Prairie"; Charles Markman, "Above the American Bottom: The Late Woodland-Mississippian Transitions in Northeast Illinois"; Lynne Goldstein, "The Implications of Aztalan's Location"; Fred Finney and James Stoltman, "The Fred Edwards Site: A Case of Stirling Phase Culture in Southwestern Wisconsin"; Roland Rodell, "The Diamond Bluff Site Complex and Cahokia Influence in the Red Wing Locality"; Guy Gibbon and Clark Dobbs, "The Mississippian Presence in the Red Wing Area, Minnesota"; Elden Johnson, "Cambria and Cahokia's Northwestern Periphery"; Joseph Tiffany, "Modeling Mill Creek-Mississippian Interaction"; James Stoltman, "Cahokia as Seen from the Peripheries."
· Stoltman. James B. 2000. "A Reconsideration of the Cultural Processes Linking Cahokia to Its Northern Hinterlands during the Period AD 1000-1200." In: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28.
· Stuart, Gene. 1988. America's Ancient Cities. National Geographic Society Books, pp. 30-49.
· Stuart, George C. 1972. "Who Were the 'Mound Builders'?" National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 142, No. 5, pp. 783-801.
· Thomas, David Hurst. 1994. Exploring Ancient Native America: An Archaeological Guide. MacMillan, pp. 152-58.
· Trubitt, Mary Beth. 2000. "Mound Building and Prestige Goods Exchange: Changing Strategies in the Cahokia Chiefdom." American Antiquity, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 669-90.
· Walthall, John A., and Elizabeth D. Benchley. 1987. The River L'Abbe Mission. Studies in Illinois Archaeology, No. 2.
· Watson, Robert J. 2000. "Sacred Landscapes at Cahokia: Mound 72 and the Mound 72 Precinct." In: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28.
· Woods, William I., editor. 1992. Late Prehistoric Agriculture: Observations from the Midwest. Studies in Illinois Archaeology, No. 8.
· Woods, William I., Rodney C. DeMott, Derrick J. Marcucci, Joyce A. Williams, and Bonnie L. Gums. 1993. The Archaeology of the Cahokia Mounds ICT-II: Testing and Lithics. Illinois Cultural Resources Study, No. 9.
· Young, Biloine Whiting, and Melvin L. Fowler. 2000. Cahokia: The Great Native American Metropolis. University of Illinois Press.
"The Infography about the Cahokia Mounds"
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