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Oceanography -- History

The following sources are recommended by a librarian whose research specialty is oceanography.


Six Superlative Sources

· Cumulative Bibliography on the History of Oceanography

· Deacon, Margaret. Scientists and the Sea 1650-1900: A Study of Marine Science. Ashgate, 2d edition, 1997.

· International Congress on the History of Oceanography (I-IV, 1966-1990). Proceedings. I: Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique, Monaco, numéro spécial 2, 3 (1966); II: Proceedings-The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section B (Biology) 72 (1972), 73 (1972); III: Sears, Mary and Daniel Merriman, eds. Oceanography: The Past. Springer-Verlag, 1980; IV: Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, Erganzungsheft (Reihe B) No. 22 (1990).

· McConnell, Anita. No Sea Too Deep: The History of Oceanographic Instruments. A. Hilger, 1982.

· Mills, Eric L. Biological Oceanography: An Early History, 1870-1960. Cornell University Press, 1989.

· Schlee, Susan. The Edge of an Unfamiliar World: A History of Oceanography. E.P. Dutton, 1973.

Other Excellent Sources

· Scripts Institute of Oceanography Archives


· Borgese, Elisabeth Mann, ed. Ocean Frontiers: Explorations by Oceangraphers on Five Continents. H.N. Abrams, 1992.

· Brekhovskikh, L.M., V.G. Neiman and T. Watson. "The History of Soviet Oceanology." Oceanus 34, No. 2 (1991), 20-27.

· Herdman, William A. Founders of Oceanography and their Work: An Introduction to the Science of the Sea. E. Arnold, 1923.

· Sapolsky, H.M. Science and the Navy: The History of the Office of Naval Research. Princeton University Press, 1990.

· Schott, Wolfgang. Early German Oceanographic Institutions, Expeditions and Oceanographers. Deutsche Hydrographisches Institut, 1987.

· Spilhaus, Athelstan. "On Reaching 50: An Early History of the Bathythermograph." Sea Technology 28, No. 11 (1987): 19-28.

· Tseng, C.K. "Preface," in: Oceanology of China Seas, Volume 1, edited by Zhou Di, Liang Yuan-Bo, Zeng Cheng-Kui. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

· Wust, Georg, C. Hoffman, C. Schlieper, K. Kandler, J. Krey and R. Jaeger. "Das Institut fur Meereskunde der Universitat Kiel nach seinem Wiederaufbau." Kieler Meeresforschungen 12 (1986): 127-153.

· Wust, Georg. "The Major Deep-Sea Expeditions and Research Vessels, 1873-1960, A Contribution to the History of Oceanography." Progress in Oceanography 2 (1964): 1-52.

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