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Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)

The following sources are recommended by an expert whose research specialty is German composer Franz Schubert.


Six Superlative Sources

· Brown, Maurice J.E., Schubert: A Critical Biography. Macmillan, 1958.

· Deutsch, Otto Erich, The Schubert Reader: A Life of Franz Schubert in Letters and Documents. Translated by Eric Blom. Norton, 1947.

· Gibbs, Christopher H., The Life of Schubert. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

· McKay, Elizabeth Norman, Franz Schubert, A Biography. Clarendon, 1997.

· Newbould, Brian, Schubert: The Music and the Man. University of California Press, 1997.

· Reed, John, Schubert. Schirmer, 1997.

Other Excellent Sources

· Abraham, Gerald, ed., The Music of Schubert. Norton, 1947.

· Badura-Skoda, Eva, and Peter Branscombe, eds., Schubert Studies: Problems of Style and Chronology, Cambridge University Press, 1982.

· Baker, Richard, Schubert, A Life in Words and Pictures. Little, Brown, 1997.

· Bie, Oscar, Schubert the Man. Dodd, Mead, 1928.

· Brown, Maurice J.E., Essays on Schubert. St. Martin's, 1966.

· Byrne, Lorraine, Schubert's Goethe Settings. Ashgate, 2003.

· Clive, Peter, Schubert and His World: A Biographical Dictionary. Clarendon, 1997.

· Daverio, John, Crossing Paths: Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms. Oxford University Press, 2002.

· Deutsch, Otto Eric, ed., Franz Schubert's Letters and Other Writings. Translated by Venetia Savile, with a forward by Ernest Newman. Vienna House, 1974; Greenwood Press, 1970; Faber and Gwyer, 1928.

· Deutsch, Otto Eric, ed., Franz Schubert. Die Dokumente Seines Lebens und Schaffens. Georg Müller, 1913.

· Deutsch, Otto Erich, ed., Schubert: Memoirs by His Friends. Macmillan, 1958.

· Deutsch, Otto Erich, in collaboration with Donald R. Wakeling. The Schubert Thematic Catalogue. Dover, 1995; Norton, 1951.

· Einstein, Alfred, Schubert: A Musical Portrait. Oxford University Press, 1951.

· Erickson, Raymond, ed., Schubert's Vienna. Yale University Press, 1997.

· Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, Schubert's Songs: A Biographical Study. Translated by Kenneth S. Whitton. Limelight Editions, 1984.

· Flower, Newman, Franz Schubert, The Man and His Circle. Cassell, 1949.

· Frisch, Walter, ed., Schubert: Critical and Analytical Studies. University of Nebraska, 1986.

· Gibbs, Christopher H., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Schubert. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

· Hall, Michael, Schubert's Song Sets. Ashgate, 2003.

· Hilmar, Ernst, Franz Schubert in His Time. Translated by Reinhard G. Pauly. Amadeus, 1988.

· Hilmar, Ernst, and Margret Jestremski, eds., Schubert-Lexikon. Akademische Druck-und Verlagsanstalt, 1997.

· Marek, George, Schubert. Viking, 1985.

· Montgomery, David, Franz Schubert's Music in Performance: Historical Realities and Ideals, Pedagogical Evidence, Modern Problems. Monographs in Musicology, Vol. 11, Pendragon Press, 2003.

· Newbould, Brian, ed., Schubert the Progressive: History, Performance Practice, Analysis. Ashgate, 2003.

· Osborne, Charles, Schubert and His Vienna. Knopf, 1985.

· Porter, Ernest G., Schubert's Song Technique. Dobson, 1961.

· Radcliffe, Philip, Schubert Piano Sonatas. BBC Music Guides, Vol. 17, University of Washington Press, 1971.

· Reed, John, The Schubert Song Companion. Mandolin, 1993.

· The Schubert Institute (United Kingdom).

· Westrup, J.A., Schubert Chamber Music. Ariel Music, 1986; BBC, 1969.

· Whitton, Kenneth S., Goethe and Schubert: The Unseen Bond. Amadeus, 1999.

· Youens, Susan, Retracing a Winter's Journey: Schubert's Winterreise. Cornell University Press, 1991.

· Youens, Susan, Schubert's Poets and the Making of Lieder. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

· Der Wanderer. Originating in Spain with text in Spanish and Catalan.

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