Sport Injury and Rehabilitation -- Psychology | |
The following sources are recommended by an expert whose research specialty is the psychological aspects of sports injuries. |
· Brewer, B., Petitpas, A., Van Raalte, J., Sklar, J., and Ditmar, T. (1995). Prevalence of psychological distress among patients at a physical therapy clinic specializing in sports medicine. Sports Medicine, Training and Rehabilitation, 6, 139-145.
· Brewer, B.W. (1998). Special issue: Theoretical, empirical, and applied issues in the psychology of sport injury. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 10(1).
· Leddy, M.H., Lambert, M.J., and Ogles, B.M. (1994). Psychological consequences of athletic injury among high-level competitors. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 65(4), 347-354.
· Roh, J.L., and Perna, F.M. (2000). Psychology/Counseling: A universal competency in athletic training. Journal of Athletic Training, 35(4), 458-465.
· Ross, M.J., and Berger, R.S. (1996). Effects of stress inoculation training on athletes' postsurgical pain and rehabilitation after orthopedic injury. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(2), 406-410.
· Smith, R.E., Smoll, F.L., and Ptacek, J.T. (1990). Conjunctive moderator variables in vulnerability and resiliency research: Life stress, social support and coping skills, and adolescent sport injuries. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(2), 360-370.
· Brewer, B.W. (1994). Review and critique of models of psychological adjustment to athletic injury. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 6(1), 87-100.
· Brewer, B.W. (1998). Adherence to sport injury rehabilitation programs. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 10, 70-82.
· Brewer, B.W., Linder, D.E., and Phelps, C.M. (1995). Situational correlates of emotional adjustment to athletic injury. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 5(4), 241-245.
· Daly, J.M., Brewer, B.W., Van Raalte, J.L., Petitpas, A.J., and Sklar, J.H. (1995). Cognitive appraisal, emotional adjustment, and adherence to rehabilitation following knee surgery. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 4(1), 23-30.
· Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., Marucha, P.T., Malarkey, W.B., Mercado, A.M., and Glaser, R. (1995). Slowing of wound healing in psychological stress. Lancet, 346, 1194-1196.
· Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., Page, G.G., Marucha, P.T., MacCallum, R.C., and Glaser, R. (1998). Psychological influences on surgical recovery: Perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology. American Psychologist, 53(11), 1209-1218.
· Larson, G.A., Starkey, C., and Zaichkowsky, L.D. (1996). Psychological aspects of athletic injuries as perceived by athletic trainers. The Sport Psychologist, 10(1), 37-47.
· Macchi, R., and Crossman, J. (1996). After the fall: Reflections of injured classical ballet dancers. Journal of Sport Behavior, 19(3), 221-234.
· Marucha, P.T., Keicolt-Glaser, J.K., and Favagehi, M. (1998). Mucosal wound healing is impaired by examination stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60, 362-365.
· McDonald, S.A., and Hardy, C.J. (1990). Affective response patterns of the injured athlete: An exploratory analysis. Sport Psychologist, 4(3), 261-274.
· Newcomer, R., Roh, J., Perna, F., Stilger, V., and Etzel, E. (1998). Injury as a traumatic experience: Intrusive thoughts and avoidance behavior associated with injury among college student-athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 10 (Suppl.), S54.
· Newcomer, R.R. (2000). Cognitive-affective, behavioral, and physiological response to injury among competitive athletes. Doctoral Dissertation, West Virginia University.
· Peck, D.F., Robertson, A., and Zeffert, S. (1996). Psychological sequelae of mountain accidents: A preliminary study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 41(1), 55-63.
· Perna, F.M., Antoni, M.H., Kumar, M., Cruess, D.G., and Schneiderman, N. (1996). Psychological skills training decreases cortisol and improves mood and coping among competitive rowers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 8 (suppl), s117.
· Perna, F.M., and McDowell, S.L. (1995). Role of psychological stress in cortisol recovery from exhaustive exercise among elite athletes. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 3(1), 13-26.
· Roh, J., Newcomer, R., Perna, F., Stilger, V., and Etzel, E. (1998). Depressive mood states among college athletes: Pre- and post-injury. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 10 (suppl.), s54.
· Shuer, M.L., and Dietrich, M.S. (1997). Psychological effects of chronic injury in elite athletes. Western Journal of Medicine, 166(2), 104-109.
· Smith, A.M. (1996). Psychological impact of injuries in athletes. Sports Medicine, 22(6), 391-405.
"The Infography about the Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation"
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