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Economics of Criminal Justice

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the economics of crime and justice.


Six Superlative Sources

· Becker, Gary S. "Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach," Journal of Political Economy, 1968, 76:2, 169-217. Reprinted in Becker, Gary S., and William Landes, Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment. Columbia University Press, 1974.

· Ehrlich, Isaac. "Participation in Illegitimate Activities: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation," Journal of Political Economy, 1973, 81: 512-565. Expanded version, "Participation in Illegitimate Activities: An Economic Analysis," in Becker, Gary S., and William Landes, Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment. Columbia University Press, 1974.

· Ehrlich, Isaac. "Crime, Punishment, and the Market for Offenses," Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1996, 10:1, 43-67.

· Polinsky, A. Mitchell, and Steven Shavell. "The Optimal Tradeoff between the Probability and Magnitude of Fines," American Economic Review, Dec. 1979, 69:5, 880-891.

· Posner, Richard A. "An Economic Theory of the Criminal Law," Columbia Law Review, Oct. 1985, 85:6, 1193-1231.

· Stigler, George J. "The Optimum Enforcement of Laws," Journal of Political Economy, 1970, 78:3, 526-536. Reprinted in Becker, Gary S., and William Landes, Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment. Columbia University Press, 1974.

Other Excellent Sources

· Allingham, Michael G., and Agnar Sandmo. "Income Tax Evasion: A Theoretical Analysis," Journal of Public Economics, 1972, 1, 323-338.

· Becker, Gary S., and William Landes. Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment. Columibia University Press, 1974. This volume contains the following influential papers, among others: Becker, Gary S., "Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach"; Ehrlich, Isaac, "Participation in Illegitimate Activities: An Economic Analysis"; Stigler, George J., "The Optimum Enforcement of Laws"; Landes, William M., "An Economic Analysis of the Courts."

· Becker, Gary S., and George J. Stigler. "Law Enforcement, Malfeasance and Compensation of Enforcers," Journal of Legal Studies, 1974, 3, 1-18.

· Block, Michael K., and John M. Heineke. "A Labor Theoretic Analysis of the Criminal Choice," American Economic Review, June 1975, 65:3, 314-325.

· Block, Michael K., Frederick C. Nold, and Joseph G. Sidak. "The Deterrent Efect of Antitrust Enforcement," Journal of Political Economy, 1981, 89:3, 429-445.

· Blumstein, A., J. Cohen, and D. Nagin (eds). Deterrence and Incapacitation: Estimating the Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Crime Rates. National Academy of Science, 1978.

· Buchanan, James M. "A Defense of Organized Crime?" in Rottenberg, Simon (ed.), The Economics of Crime and Punishment. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1973.

· Carr-Hill, R.A., and H.S. Nicholas. Crime, the Police and Criminal Statistics. Academic Press, 1979.

· Cook, Philip J. "The Correctional Carrot: Better Jobs for Parolees," Policy Analysis, Winter 1975, 1, 11-55.

· Corman, Hope, and H. Naci Mocan. "A Time-Series Analysis of Crime, Deterrence, and Drug Abuse in New York City," American Economic Review, June 2000, 90:3, 584-604.

· Cullen, Julie B., and Steven D. Levitt. "Crime, Urban Flight, and the Consequences for Cities," Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1999, 81:2, 159-169.

· Ehrlich, Isaac. "The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: A Question of Life and Death," American Economic Review, June 1975, 65:3, 397-417.

· Ehrlich, Isaac. "Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Some Further Thoughts and Additional Evidence," Journal of Political Economy, Aug. 1977, 85:4, 741-788.

· Ehrlich, Isaac. "On the Usefulness of Controlling Individuals: An Economic Analysis of Rehabilitation, Incapacitation, and Deterrence," American Economic Review, June 1981, 71:3, 307-322.

· Ehrlich, Isaac. "The Optimum Enforcement of Laws and the Concept of Justice: A Positive Analysis," International Review of Law and Economics, 1982, 2, 3-27.

· Ehrlich, Isaac, and George D. Brower. "On the Issue of Causality in the Economic Model of Crime and Law Enforcement: Some Theoretical Considerations and Experimental Evidence," American Economic Review, May 1987, 77:2, 99-110.

· Ehrlich, Isaac, and Zhiqiang Liu. "Sensitivity Analyses of the Deterrence Hypothesis: Let's Keep the Econ in Econometrics," Journal of Law and Economics, Apr. 1999, 42:1, pt. 2, 455-487.

· Ehrlich, Isaac, and Francis T. Lui. "Bureaucratic Corruption and Endogenous Economic Growth," Journal of Political Economy, Dec. 1999, 107:6, pt. 2, 270-293.

· Freeman, Richard B. "Crime and Unemployment," in Wilson, J.W., Crime and Public Policy. Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1983, 89-106.

· Friedman, David. "Why Not Hang Them All: The Virtues of Inefficient Punishment," Journal of Political Economy, Dec. 1999, 107:6, pt. 2, 259-269.

· Glaeser, Edward L., and Bruce Sacerdote. "Why Is There More Crime in Cities?" Journal of Political Economy, Dec. 1999, 107:6, pt. 2, 225-258.

· Glaeser, Edward L., Bruce Sacerdote, and Jose A. Sheinkman. "Crime and Social Interactions," Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1996, 111:2, 507-548.

· Gould, Eric, David B. Mustard, and Bruce Weinberg. "Crime Rates and Local Labor Market Opportunities in the United States: 1977-1997," Review of Economics and Statistics, Feb. 2002, 84:1, 45-61.

· Karpoff, Jonathan M., and John R. Lott, Jr. "The Reputational Penalty Firms Bear from Committing Criminal Fraud," Journal of Law and Economics, Oct. 1993, 36: 757-802.

· Landes, William M. "An Economic Analysis of the Courts," Journal of Law and Economics, 1971, 14:1, 61-107. Reprinted in Becker, Gary S., and William Landes, Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment. Columbia University Press, 1974.

· Landes, William M., and Richard A. Posner. "The Private Enforcement of Law," Journal of Legal Studies, Jan. 1975, 4:1, 1-46.

· Layson, Stephen. "Homicide and Deterrence: A Reexamination of the United States Time-Series Evidence," Southern Economic Journal, July 1985, 52:1, 68-89.

· Levitt, Steven D. "Juvenile Crime and Punishment," Journal of Political Economy, 1998, 106:6, 1156-1185.

· Levitt, Steven D. "The Effect of Prison Population Size on Crime Rates: Evidence from Prison Overcrowding Litigation," Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1996, 111:2, 319-351.

· Levitt, Steven D. "Using Electoral Cycles in Police Hiring to Estimate the Effect of Police on Crime," American Economic Review, June 1997, 87:3, 270-290.

· Lott, John R., Jr., and David B. Mustard. "Crime, Deterrence and Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns," Journal of Legal Studies, 1997, 26:1, 1-69.

· Mocan, H. Naci, and R. Kaj Gittings. "Getting Off Death Row: Commuted Sentences and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment," Journal of Law and Economics, Oct. 2003.

· Myers, Samuel L., Jr. "Estimating the Economic Model of Crime: Employment versus Punishment Effects," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Feb. 1983, 98, 157-166.

· Polinsky, M., and Shavell, S. "The Economic Theory of Public Enforcement of Law," Journal of Economic Literature, 2000, 38: 45-76.

· Rottenberg, Simon. "The Clandestine Distribution of Heroin, Its Discovery and Suppression," Journal of Political Economy, 1968, 76, 78-90.

· Sah, Raaj. "Social Osmosis and Patterns of Crime," Journal of Political Economy, 1991, 99:6, 1272-1295.

· Shavel, Steven. "Individual Precautions to Prevent Theft: Private versus Socially Optimal Behavior," International Review of Law and Economics, 1991, 11, 123-132.

· Shepherd, Joanna. "Fear of the First Strike: The Full Deterrent Effect of California's Two- and Three-Strikes Legislation," Journal of Legal Studies, Jan. 2002, 31:1, pt. 1, 158-201.

· Tullock, Gordon. "The Welfare Costs of Tarrifs, Monopolies and Theft," Economic Inquiry, June 1967, 5, 224-232.

· Viscusi, W. Kip. "The Risks and Rewards of Criminal Activity: A Comprehensive Test of Criminal Deterrence," Journal of Labor Economics, 1986, 4:3, 317-340.

· Witte, Ann Dryden. "Estimating the Economic Model of Crime with Individual Data," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Feb. 1980, 94, 57-84.

· Wolpin, Kenneth I. "A Time Series-Cross Section Analysis of International Variation in Crime and Punishment," Review of Economics and Statistics, Aug. 1980, 417-423.

· Wolpin, Kenneth I. "An Economic Analysis of Crime and Punishment in England and Wales," Journal of Political Economy, 1978, 86:5, 815-840.

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