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Psychology of Discovery | |
The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the psychology of discovery. |
· Dunbar, K. (1994). How scientists really reason: Scientific reasoning in real-world laboratories. In R.J. Sternberg and J. Davidson (eds), The nature of insight, 365-395. MIT Press.
· Klahr, D., and Simon, H.A. (1999). Studies of scientific discovery: Complementary approaches and convergent findings. Psychological Bulletin, 125, 524-543.
· Klahr, D. (2000). Exploring science: The cognition and development of discovery processes. MIT Press.
· Nersessian, N.J. (1984). Faraday to Einstein: Constructing meaning in scientific theories. Martinus Nijhoff.
· Thagard, P. (1998). Ulcers and bacteria: I. Discovery and acceptance. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biology and Biomedical Science, 9, 107-136.
· Zimmerman, C. (2000). The development of scientific reasoning skills. Developmental Review, 20, 99-149.
· Bijker, W.E., Hughes, T.P., and Pinch, T. (1987). The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT Press.
· Bloor, D. (1981). Knowledge and social imagery. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
· Boden, M.A. (1990). The creative mind: Myths and mechanisms. Basic Books.
· Boden, M.A. (1994). Precis of the creative mind: Myths and mechanisms. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17, 519-570.
· Brewer, W.F., and Samarapungavan, A. (1991). Children's theories vs. scientific theories: Differences in reasoning or differences in knowledge? In R.R. Hoffman and D.S. Palermo (eds), Cognition and the symbolic processes: Applied and ecological perspectives, 209-232. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Bruner, J.S., Goodnow, J.J., and Austin, G.A. (1956). A study of thinking. New York Science Editions.
· Cheng, P.C.H., and Simon, H.A. (1992). The right representation for discovery: Finding the conservation of momentum. In D. Sleeman and P. Edwards (eds), Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference (ML92), 62-71. Morgan Kaufmann.
· Chinn, C.A., and Brewer, W.F. (1998). An empirical test of a taxonomy of responses to anomalous data in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35, 6, 623-654.
· Crick, F. (1988). What mad pursuit: A personal view of scientific discovery. Basic Books.
· Darden, L. (1980). Theory construction in genetics. In T. Nickles (ed), Scientific discovery: Case studies, 151-170. D. Reidel.
· Darden, L. (1992). Strategies for anomaly resolution. In R.N. Giere (ed), Cognitive models of science. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 15, 251-271.
· Darden, L. (1997). Recent work in computational scientific discovery. In M.G. Shafto and P. Langley (eds), Proceedings of Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 161-166. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Darden, L., and Cook, M. (1995). Reasoning strategies in molecular biology: Abstractions, scans and anomalies. In D. Hull, M. Forbes, and R.M. burian (eds), PSA 1994, Vol. 2, 179-191. Philosophy of Science Association.
· Duhem, P. (1954). The aim and structure of physical theory. Part I, Chapter IV. Princeton University Press. First published as La theorie physique, 1914.
· Dunbar, K. (1993). Concept discovery in a scientific domain. Cognitive Science, 17, 397-434.
· Dunbar, K. (1997). How scientists think: On-line creativity and conceptual change in science. In T. Ward, S. Smith, and S. Vaid (eds), Conceptual structures and processes: Emergence, discovery and change, 461-492. APA Press.
· Dunbar, K., and Baker, L.A. (1994). Goals, analogy, and the social constraints of scientific discovery. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17, 538-539.
· Duncan, S.C., and Tweney, R.D. (1997). The problem-behavior map as cognitive-historical analysis: The example of Michael Faraday. In M.G. Shafto and P. Langley (eds), Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 901. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Falkenhainer, B. (1990). A unified approach to explanation and theory formation. In J. Shrager and P. Langley (eds), Computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation, 157-196. Morgan Kaufman.
· Fay, A., and Klahr, D. (1996). Knowing about guessing and guessing about knowing: Preschoolers' understanding of indeterminacy. Child Development, 67, 689-716.
· Feist, G.J., and Gorman, M.E. (1998). The psychology of science: Review and integration of a nascent discipline. Review of General Psychology, 2, 1, 3-47.
· Finke, R.A., Ward, T.B., and Smith, S.M. Creative cognition, MIT Press.
· Galison, P. (1987). How experiments end. University of Chicago Press.
· Gentner, D. (1982). Are scientific analogies metaphors? In D.S. Miall (ed), Metaphor: Problems and perspectives, 106-132. Harvester.
· Gentner, D., and Jeziorski, M. (1989). Historical shifts in the use of analogy in science. In B. Gholson, W. Shadish, R. Beimeyer, and A. Houts (eds), The psychology of science: Contributions to metascience, 296-325. Cambridge University Press.
· Giere, R.N. (1988). Explaining science: A cognitive approach. University of Chicago Press.
· Gingerich, O. (1975). The origins of Kepler's Third Law. In A. Beer and P. Beer (eds), Kepler: Four hundred years, 595-601. Pergamon.
· Gooding, D. (1990). Experiment and the making of meaning. Nijhoff/Kluwer.
· Gorman, M.E. (1992). Simulating science: Heuristics, mental models, and technoscientific thinking. Indiana University Press.
· Goswami, U. (1996). Analogical reasoning and cognitive development. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 26, 91-139.
· Gross, P.R., and Levitt, N. (1994). Higher superstition: The academic left and its quarrels with science. Johns Hopkins University Press.
· Gruber, H.E. (1974). Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific creativity. E.P. Dutton.
· Hadamard, J. (1945). The psychology of invention in the mathematical field. Dover.
· Hanson, N.R. (1958). Patterns of discovery. Cambridge University Press.
· Hesse, M.B. (1966). Models and analogies in science. University of Notre Dame Press.
· Holmes, F.L. (1985). Lavoisier and the chemistry of life: An exploration of scientific creativity. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Holmes, F.L. (1991). Hans Krebs: The formation of a scientific life, 1900-1933. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press.
· Holyoak, K.J., and Thagard, P. (1995). Mental leaps: Analogy in creative thought. MIT Press.
· Ippolito, M.F., and Tweney, R.D. (1995). The inception of insight. In R.J. Sternberg and J.E. Davidson (eds), The nature of insight, 433-462. MIT Press.
· Karp, P. (1990). Hypothesis formation as design. In J. Shrager and P. Langley (eds), Computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation, 275-317. Morgan Kaufmann.
· Kern, L.H., Mirels, H.L., and Hinshaw, V.G. (1983). Scientists' understanding of propositional logic: An experimental investigation. Social Studies of Science, 13, 131-146.
· Klahr, D., and Dunbar, K. (1988). Dual space search during scientific reasoning. Cognitive Science, 12, 1-55.
· Klahr, D., Fay, A.L., and Dunbar, K. (1993). Heuristics for scientific experimentation: A developmental study. Cognitive Psychology, 24, 1, 111-146.
· Klayman, J., and Ha, Y. (1987). Confirmation, disconfirmation and information in hypothesis testing. Psychological Review, 94, 211-228.
· Kuhn, D. (1989). Children and adults as intuitive scientists. Psychological Review, 96, 674-689.
· Kuhn, D., Amsel, E., and O'Loughlin, M. (1988). The development of scientific reasoning skills. Academic Press.
· Kuhn, D., Garcia-Mila, M., Zohar, A., and Andersen, C. (1995). Strategies of knowledge acquisition. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. Serial 245, Vol. 60, No. 4.
· Kulkarni, D., and Simon, H.A. (1988). The process of scientific discovery: The strategy of experimentation. Cognitive Science, 12, 139-176.
· Kulkarni, D., and Simon, H.A. (1990). Experimentation in machine discovery. In J. Shrager and P. Langley (eds), Computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation. Morgan Kaufmann.
· Langley, P., Simon, H.A., Bradshaw, G.L., and Zytkow, J.M. (1987). Scientific discovery: Computational explorations of the creative processes. MIT Press.
· Latour, B., and Woolgar, S. (1986). Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton University Press.
· Le Grand, H.E. (ed). (1990). Experimental inquiries: Historical, philosophical and social studies of experimentation in science. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
· Mahoney, M.J. (1979). Psychology of the scientist: An evaluative review. Social Studies of Science, 9, 349-375.
· Mitroff, L.L. (1974). The subjective side of science. Elsevier.
· Mynatt, C.R., Doherty, M.E., and Tweney, R.D. (1977). Confirmation bias in a simulated research environment: An experimental study of scientific inference. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29, 85-95.
· Mynatt, C.R., Doherty, M.E., and Tweney, R.D. (1978). Consequences of confirmation and disconfirmation in a simulated research environment. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 30, 395-406.
· Nersessian, N.J. (1992). How do scientists think? Capturing the dynamics of conceptual change in science. In R.N. Giere (ed), Cognitive models of science. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 15, 3-44.
· Nordhausen, B., and Langley, P. (1993). An integrated framework for empirical discovery. Machine Learning, 12, 17-47.
· O'Rorke, P., Morris, S., and Schulenburg, D. (1990). Theory formation by abduction: A case study based on the chemical revolution. In J. Shrager and P. Langley (eds), Computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation. Morgan Kaufmann.
· Okada, T., and Simon, H.A. (1997). Collaborative discovery in a scientific domain. Cognitive Science, 21, 109-146.
· Perkins, D.N. (1981). The mind's best work. Harvard University Press.
· Pickering, A. (ed). (1992). Science as practice and culture. University of Chicago Press.
· Poincaré, H. (1982). The foundation of science. University Press of America. And other editions.
· Popper, K.R. (1959). The logic of scientific discovery. Hutchinson.
· Qin, Y., and Simon, H.A. (1990). Laboratory replication of scientific discovery processes. Cognitive Science, 14, 281-312.
· Rajamoney, S.A. (1993). The design of discrimination experiments. Machine Learning, 12, 185-203
· Reimann, P. (1990). Problem solving models of scientific discovery learning processes. Peter Lang.
· Rowe, A. (1953). The making of a scientist. Dodd, Mead.
· Samarapungavan, A. (1992). Children's judgments in theory-choice tasks: Scientific rationality in childhood. Cognition, 45, 1-32.
· Schauble, L. (1990). Belief revision in children: The role of prior knowledge and strategies for generating evidence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 49, 31-57.
· Schauble, L., and Glaser, R. (1990). Scientific thinking in children and adults. In D. Kuhn (ed), Contributions to human development: Vol. 21: Developmental perspectives on teaching and learning thinking skills, 9-26. Karger.
· Schunn, C.D., and Klahr, D. (1995). A 4-space model of scientific discovery. In J.D. Moore and J.F. Lehman (eds), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 106-111. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Schunn, C.D., and Klahr, D. (1996). Integrated yet different: Logical, empirical, and implementational arguments for a 4-space model of inductive problem solving. In G. Cottrell (ed), Proceedings of Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Shadish, W.R., and Fuller, S. (eds). (1994). Social psychology of science. Guilford Press.
· Shen, W.M. (1993). Discovery as autonomous learning from the environment. Machine Learning, 12, 143-165.
· Shrager, J., and Langley, P. (1990). Computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation. Morgan Kaufman.
· Simon, H.A. (1966). Scientific discovery and the psychology of problem solving. In R. Colodny (ed), Mind and cosmos, 22-40. University of Pittsburgh Press.
· Simon, H.A. (1973). Does scientific discovery have a logic? Philosophy of Science, 40, 471-80.
· Simon, H.A. (1983). Fitness requirements for scientific theories. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 34, 355-365.
· Simon, H.A. (1985). Quantification of theoretical terms and the falsifiability of theories. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 36, 291-298.
· Simon, H.A., Langley, P., and Bradshaw, G.L. (1981). Scientific discovery as problem solving. Synthese, 47, 1-27.
· Sodian, B., Zaitchik, D., and Carey, S. (1991). Young children's differentiation of hypothetical beliefs from evidence. Child Development, 62, 753-766.
· Terman, L.M. (1954). Scientists and nonscientists in a group of 800 gifted men. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 68, 7, 1-44.
· Thagard, P. (1988). Computational philosophy of science. MIT Press.
· Thagard, P. (1992). Conceptual revolutions. Princeton University Press.
· Thagard, P. (1997). Medical analogies: Why and how. In M.G. Shafto and P. Langley (eds), Proceedings of Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 739-763. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Tweney, R.D., Doherty, M.E., and Mynatt, C.R. (eds). (1981). On scientific thinking. Columbia University Press.
· Udea, K. (1997). Actual use of analogies in remarkable scientific discoveries. In M.G. Shafto and P. Langley (eds), Proceedings of Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 763-768. Lawrence Erlbaum.
· Valdés-Perez, R.E. (1994). Conjecturing hidden entities via simplicity and conservation laws: Machine discovery in chemistry. Artificial Intelligence, 65, 2, 247-280.
· Valdés-Perez, R.E. (1994). Algebraic reasoning about reactions: Discovery of conserved properties in particle physics. Machine Learning, 17, 1, 47-68.
"The Infography about the Psychology of Discovery"
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