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Preservation of Library Materials | |
The following sources are recommended by a librarian whose research specialty is the preservation of library books and other resources. |
· Ogden, Sherelyn, Ed. Preservation Leaflets. Northeast Document Conservation Center. These leaflets contain lists of organizations, sources for information and supplies, bibliographies, and technical guidance for all aspects of preserving and protecting collections. http://www.nedcc.org/resources/leaflets.list.php
· Parisi, Paul, and Jan Merrill-Oldham, eds. Library Binding Institute Standard for Library Binding. Library Binding Institute, 8th edition, 1986. This work, along with the Merrill-Oldham/Parisi guide cited below, belong in every library preservation and binding department.
· Davis, Nancy. Handle with Care: Preserving Your Heirlooms. Rochester Museum and Science Center, 1991. Provides straightforward information for the care of paper, textiles, photographs, furniture, silver, and more. Intended for those interested in preserving their family treasures as well as individuals responsible for the care of small museums, local history, and library collections.
· Waters, Peter. Procedures for Salvage of Water-Damaged Library Materials. Library of Congress, 1993. Extracts from unpublished revised text. This is the standard work on flood recovery, and is generally included as a part of every institutional disaster plan. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/bytopic/disasters/primer/waters.html
· Harvey, Ross. Preservation in Australian and New Zealand Libraries: Principles, Strategies and Practices for Librarians. Centre for Information Studies, 1993. This book provides a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of materials preservation. It includes a comparative study of the preservation of artifacts versus the preservation of intellectual content.
· Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation documents, the Conservation DistList archives, and access to other Internet preservation sites are offered at the CoOL web site, a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/
· Merrill-Oldham, Jan, and Paul Parisi. Guide to the Library Binding Institute Standard for Library Binding. American Library Association, 1990.
· Fox, Lisa, ed. Preservation Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists. American Library Association, 2nd edition, 1996. The first edition was edited by Nancy E. Gwinn.
· Lull, William P. Conservation Environment Guidelines for Libraries and Archives. The New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials, 1990. An introduction to general environmental issues written for the lay person by a conservator.
· Wilhelm, Henry, and Carol Bower. The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures. Preservation Publishing, 1993. This study assesses the relative permanence of traditional and digital color prints, negatives, slides, and motion pictures. Wilhelm, who is the authority on the preservation of color photographs, provides recommendations for storage and care.
· Conservation DistList. This is an Internet preservation discussion list. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/
· Library of Congress Preservation. The Preservation Directorate has a strong outreach program and provides information about preservation to Congress, government agencies, other libraries, both national and international, and to the general public. http://www.loc.gov/preserv/
· Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). http://www.nedcc.org/
· Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) Preservation Program. http://www.solinet.net/preservation/
"The Infography about the Preservation of Library Materials"
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