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Asian Americans

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Asian Americans.


Six Superlative Sources

· Asian American Village.

· Asian-Nation: Asian American History, Demographics, and Issues.

· AsianWeek: The Voice of Asian America.

· Chan, Sucheng. 1991. Asian Americans: An Interpretive History. Twayne Publishers.

· Fong, Timothy P. 1998. The Contemporary Asian American Experience: Beyond the Model Minority. Prentice Hall.

· Takaki, Ronald. 1998. Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans. Back Bay Books.

Other Excellent Sources

· Asian American Studies Center.

· Chang, Gordon. 2001. Asian Americans and Politics: Perspectives, Experiences, Prospects. Stanford University Press.

· Espiritu, Yen Le. 1993. Asian American Panethnicity: Bridging Institutions and Identities. Temple University Press.

· Fong, Timothy P., and Larry H. Shinagawa, eds. 2000. Asian Americans: Experiences and Perspectives. Prentice Hall.

· Lee, Josephine, Sucheng Chan, Michael Omi, and David Palumbo-Liu, eds. 1998. Performing Asian America: Race and Ethnicity on the Contemporary Stage. Temple University Press.

· Lien, Pei-Te. 2001. The Making of Asian America through Political Participation. Temple University Press.

· Ling, Amy, ed. 2000. Yellow Light: The Flowering of Asian American Arts. Temple University Press.

· Model Minority: A Guide to Asian American Empowerment.

· Okihiro, Gary Y. 2001. The Columbia Guide to Asian American History. Columbia University Press.

· Tuan, Mia. 1999. Forever Foreigner or Honorary Whites? The Asian Ethnic Experience Today. Rutgers University Press.

· U.S. Census Bureau: Asian and Pacific Islander Populations.

· Williams-Leon, Teresa, Cynthia L. Nakashima, and Michael Omi, eds. 2001. The Sum of Our Parts: Mixed-Heritage Asian Americans. Temple University Press.

· Woo, Deborah. 2000. Glass Ceilings and Asian Americans: The New Face of Workplace Barriers. AltaMira Press.

· Wu, Jean, and Min Song, eds. 2000. Asian American Studies: A Reader. Rutgers University Press.

· Zhou, Min, and James V. Gatewood, eds. 2000. Contemporary Asian America: A Multidisciplinary Reader. New York University Press.

· Zia, Helen. 2000. Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

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