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The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Malaysia.


Six Superlative Sources

· Firth, Rosemary. 1966. Housekeeping Among Malay Peasants. Humanities Press, Inc.

· Nagata, Judith. 1984. The Reflowering of Malaysian Islam: Modern Religious Radicals and Their Roots. University of British Columbia Press.

· Roff, William R. 1967. The Origins of Malay Nationalism. Yale University Press.

· Scott, James C. 1985. Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. Yale University Press.

· Sweeney, Amin, 1987. A Full Hearing: Orality and Literacy in the Malay World. University of California Press.

· Wilson, Peter, 1967. A Malay Village and Malaysia: Social Values and Rural Development. HRAF Press.

Other Excellent Sources

· Clutterbuck, Richard L. 1985. Conflict and Violence in Singapore and Malaysia, 1945-1983. Westview Press.

· Freedman, Maurice 1960. The Growth of a Plural Society in Malaya.

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