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The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is bobcats.


Six Superlative Sources

· Bailey, T.N. 1974. Social organization in a bobcat population. Journal of Wildlife Management 38:435-446.

· Crowe, D.M. 1975. Aspect of aging, growth, and reproduction of bobcats from Wyoming. Journal of Mammalogy 56:177-198.

· Duke, K.L. 1955. Reproduction in the bobcat, Lynx rufus. Anatomical Record 120:816-817.

· Knick, S.T. 1990. Ecology of bobcats relative to exploitation and a prey decline in southeastern Idaho. Wildlife Monographs 108.

· Litvaitis, J.A., and D.J. Harrison. 1989. Bobcat-coyote niche relationships during a period of coyote population increase. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67:1180-1188.

· Litvaitis, J.A., A.G. Clark, and J.H. Hunt. 1986. Prey selection and fat deposits of bobcats (Felis rufus) during autumn and winter in Maine. Journal of Mammalogy 67:389-392.

Other Excellent Sources

· Anderson, E.M. 1987. A critical review and annotated bibliography of literature on the bobcat. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Special Report 62.

· Chamberlain, M.J., B.D. Leopold, L.W. Burger, B.W. Plowman, and L.M. Conner. 1999. Survival and cause-specific mortality of adult bobcats in central Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:613-620.

· Conner, M.C., R.F. Labisky, and D.R. Progulske. 1983. Scent-station indices as measures of population abundance for bobcats, raccoons, gray foxes and opossums. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 11:146-152.

· Lariviere, S., and L.R. Walton. 1997. Lynx rufus. Mammalian Species. Amer. Soc. Mamm. 563:1-8.

· McCord, C.M., and J.E. Cardoza. 1982. Bobcat and lynx. Pages 728-766 in J.A. Chapman and G.A. Feldhamer, eds. Wild mammals in North America: biology, management and economics. Johns Hopkins University Press.

· Rolley, R.E. 1987. Bobcat. Pages 670-681 in M. Novak, J.A. Baker, M.E. Obbard, and B. Malloch, eds. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

· Young, S.P. 1958. The bobcat in North America. Stackpole Books.

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