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Michael the Archangel

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Michael the Archangel.


Six Superlative Sources

· The Catholic Encyclopedia, "St. Michael the Archangel,"

· Arnold, J.C. "Arcadia Becomes Jerusalem: Angelic Caverns and Shrine Conversion at Monte Gargano." Speculum 75 (July, 2000), pp. 567-88.

· Daniélou, J. The Angels and Their Mission According to the Church Fathers. Translated by D. Heimann (Newman Press, 1957).

· Johnson, R.F. "Archangel in the Margins: Saint Michael in the Homilies of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Corpus XLI (Irish Influences on the Character of Anglo-Saxon Devotional Practice)." Tradition: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion 53 (1998), pp. 63-91.

· Peers, G. "Apprehending the Archangel Michael: Hagiographic Methods." Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 20 (1996), pp. 100-21.

· Pseudo-Dionysius. The Celestial Hierarchy. English translation by C. Luibheid in Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works. Prefatory remarks by J. Pelikan, J. Leclercq and K. Froehlich (A. Hiersemann, 1987).

Other Excellent Sources


· Lueken, W.M. Eine Darstellung und Vergleichung der Judischen und der Morgenlandisch-Christlichen Tradition vom Erzengel Michael (Göttingen, 1898).

· Morin, G. "La Missa in Honore Sancti Michahel du Missal de Bobbio." Revue Bénédictine, vol. 15 (1898), pp. 106-08.

· Rohland, J.P. Der Erzengel Michael Arzt und Feldherr: Zwei Aspekts des Vor- und Frühbyzan-Tinischen Michaelskultes (Leiden, 1977).

· Rouche, M. "Le Combat des Saints Anges et des Demons: La Victoire de Saint Michel." Santi e Demoni Nell'alto Medioevo Occidentale, vol. I. Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi Sull'alto Medioevo 36 (Spoleto, 1989), pp. 533-71.

· Rozhdestvenskaia, O.A. Dobias. La Culte de Saint Michel et le Moyen Âge Latin (Paris, 1922).

· Saxer, V. "Jalons pour Servir à l'Histoire du Culte de l'Archange Saint Michel en Orient jusqu'a l'Iconoclasme." Noscere Sancta, Miscellanea in Memoria di Agostino Amore OFM (+ 1982) (Rome, 1985).


· The Book of Tobit. Any edition.

· Bücher der Einsetzung der Erzengel Michael und Gabriel, ed. and trans. by C. Detlef G. Müller (Louvain, 1962).

· I Enoch, Jubilees, and The Life of Adam and Eve in The Apocryphal Old Testament, ed. by H.F.D. Sparks (Oxford, 1984).

· Gospel of Nicodemus, Visio Sancti Pauli, and Transitus Mariae in The Apocryphal New Testament, ed. by J.K. Eliot (Oxford, 1993).

· Homiletica from the Pierpont Morgan Library, trans. by D. Brakke, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Scriptores Coptici 43 (Louvain, 1991).

· Sacramentarium Veronense, ed. by L.C. Mohlberg, Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, Series Maior, Fontes I (Rome, 1956).

· The Shepherd of Hermas, ed. and trans. by K. Lake, The Apostolic Fathers II, Loeb Classical Library (London, 1912).

· Visio Baronti Monachi Longoretensis. Edition by H. Levison. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum 5.

· "The War Scroll." The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, trans. by G. Vermes, third edition (London, 1987).


· Apparitio de Sancti Michaelis in Monte Tumba, Acta Sanctorum, September vol. 8, pp. 76-79.

· Liber de Apparitione Sancti Michaelis in Monte Gargano, Acta Sanctorum, September vol. 8, pp. 61-62. Also, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum, ed. by G. Waitz, pp. 540-43.

· Miraculum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli in Conas or Diêgêsis tou Hagiou Archippou kai Prosmanariou. Edited by F. Nau, "Analyse des Manuscrits Grecs Palimpsestes Paris, suppl. 480 et Chartres, 1753, 1754." Patrologia Orientalis 4, fasc. 5, no. 19, pp. 231-78. Also, M. Bonnet. "Narratio de Miraculo a Michaele Archangele Chonis Patrato." Analecta Bollandiana, vol. 8 (1889), pp. 289-307; Acta Sanctorum, September vol. 8, pp. 14-47.

· Poncelet, A. "San Michele al Monte Tancia." Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria 29 (1906), pp. 541-48.

· Unpublished text with incipit in "illas regiones venit dracho," found in Paris Bib. Nat. de France, MS lat. 2873A, fols. 109v-110r, from second half of tenth century.


· Culto e Insediamente Micaelici nell'Italia Meridionale fra Tarda Antichità e Meioevo. Edited by C. Carletti and G. Otranto. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Monte Sant'Angelo 18-21 Novembre 1992 (Bari, 1994).

· Fischetti, F.P. Mercurio, Mithra, Michael (Monte Sant'Angelo, 1973).

· Otranto, G. "Il Regnum Longobardo e il Santuario Micaelico del Gargano: Note di Epigrafia e Storia." Vetera Christianorum, vol. 22 (1985), pp. 165-80.

· Rintelen, W. von. "Kult- und Legenden Wanderung von Ost nach West im Frühen Mittelalter." Saeculum, vol. 22 (1971), pp. 71-88; Kultgeographische Studien in der Italia Byzantina, Archiv für Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft 3 (Meisenheim am Glan, 1968).

· Santuari e Politica nel Mondo Antico. Edited by M. Sordi (Milan, 1983).

· Il Santuario di S. Michele sul Gargano dal VI al IX Secolo. Edited by C. Carletti and G. Otranto (Bari, 1980).


· Avril, F., and J.R. Gaborit. "L'Itinerarium Bernardi Monachi et les Pèlerinages d'Italie du Sud Pendant le Haut Moyen-âge." Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, vol. 79 (1967), pp. 269-98.

· Alexander, J.J. Norman Illumination at Mont St.-Michel, 966-1100 (Oxford, 1970).

· Bernardus Monachus Francus. Itinerarium, Patrologia Latina 121, cols. 569-74.

· Boüard, M. de. "L'Église Nôtre-Dame sous Terre au Mont Saint-Michel." Journal de Savants (1961), pp. 10-27.

· Froidevaux, Y.M. "L'Église Nôtre-Dame-sous-Terre de l'Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel." Monuments Historiques de la France, vol. 7 (1961), pp. 145-66.

· Millénaire Monastique du Mont Saint-Michel. Five volumes (Paris, 1966).

· Riquet, M. Le Mont-Saint-Michel: Mille ans au Péril de l'Histoire (Paris, 1965).


· Janin, R. "Les Sanctuaires Byzantins de Saint Michel." Échos d'Orient, vol. 33 (1934), pp. 28-52.

· Mango, C. "The Pilgrimage Centre of St. Michael at Germia." Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, vol. 36 (1986), pp. 117-32; "St. Michael and Attis." Deltiôn tês Christianikês Archaiologikês Hetaireias, vol. 12 (1984-86), pp. 39-62.

· Trombley, F.R. Hellenic Religion and Christianization (Leiden, 1993).


· Adomnán. Adomnán's Life of Columba. Edition and translation by O. and M.O. Anderson (Oxford, 1991).

· Arnold, C. The Colossian Syncretism, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2.Reihe, 77 (Tübingen, 1995).

· Bietenhard, H. Die Himmlische Welt im Urchristentum und Spätjudentum Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2 (Tübingen, 1951).

· Blanc, C. "L'Angelologie d'Origène," Studia Patristica 14, Texte und Untersuchungen 117 (Berlin, 1976), pp. 79-109.

· Carr, W. Angels and Principalities: The Background, Meaning and Development of the Pauline Phrase "hai archai kai hai exousiai" (Cambridge, 1981).

· Conflict at Colossae: A Problem in the Interpretation of Early Christianity, ed. and trans. by F.O. Francis and W.A. Meeks, revised edition (Missoula MT, 1975).

· Cumont, F. "Les Anges du Paganisme." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, vol. 72 (1915), pp. 159-82.

· Davidson, M.J. Angels at Qumran: A Comparative Study of I Enoch 1-36, 72-108 and Sectarian Writings from Qumran, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 11 (Sheffield, 1992).

· Dion, P.E. "Raphaël l'Exorciste," Biblica, vol. 57 (1976).

· Finet, A. "Les Anges Gardiens du Babylonien," Anges et Demons, Homo Religiosus 14 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1989), pp. 37-52.

· Faure, P. "L'Ange du Haut Moyen-Âge Occidental (IV-IX Siècles): Crèation ou Tradition?" Médièvales, vol. 15 (1988), pp. 31-49.

· Grant, R.M. "Les êtres Intermédiaires dans le Judaïsme Tardif." Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni, vol. 38 (1967), pp. 245-59.

· The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells, English trans. by H.D. Betz (Chicago, 1986).

· Gregory the Great. Gospel Homily 34. Homilies on the Gospel, English trans. by D. Hurst, Cistercian Studies 123 (Kalamazoo MI, 1990).

· James, M.R. "Names of Angels in Anglo-Saxon and Other Documents," Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 11 (1909-11), pp. 569-71.

· Kraabel, A.T. "Hypsistos and the Synagogue at Sardis." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, vol. 10 (Spring 1969), pp. 81-93.

· Kurz, L. Gregors des Grossen Lehre von den Engeln (Rottenburg A.M., 1938).

· Legault, A. "Christophanies et Angelophanies dans les Recits Evangeliques de la Résurrection," Science et Esprit, vol. 21 (1969), pp. 443-57.

· Lesses, R. "Speaking with Angels: Jewish and Greco-Egyptian Revelatory Adjurations." Harvard Theological Review, New Series, vol. 89 (1996), pp. 41-60.

· Lohse, B. "Zu Augustins Engellehre," Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, vol. 70 (1959), pp. 279-91.

· Mach, M. Entwicklungsstadien des Jüdischen Engelglaubens in Vorrabbinischer Zeit (Tübingen, 1992).

· Miranda, O.A. The Work and Nature of Angels According to the New Testament. Unpublished Th. D. dissertation, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1961.

· Molenberg, C. "A Study of the Roles of Shemihaza and Asael in I Enoch 6-11." Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 35 (1984).

· Müller, C.D.G. Die Engellehre der Koptischen Kirche (Wiesbaden, 1959).

· Origen, On First Principles, trans. by G.W. Butterworth (Gloucester MA, 1973).

· Otzen, B. "Michael and Gabriel: Angelological Problems in the Book of Daniel," The Scriptures and the Scrolls (Leiden, 1992).

· Peterson, E. Das Buch von den Engeln, second ed. (Munich, 1955).

· Recheis, P. Engel, Tod und Seelenreise, Temi e Testi 4 (Rome, 1958).

· Robinson, S.E. "The Testament of Adam and the Angelic Liturgy," Revue de Qumran, vol. 12 (1985).

· Sheppard, A.R. "Pagan Cults of Angels in Roman Asia Minor." Talanta, vol. 12/13, (1980-81), pp. 77-101.

· Smith, M. "Pagan Dealings with Jewish Angels." Studii Clasice, vol. 24 (1986), pp. 175-179.

· Sokolowski, F. "Sur le Culte d'Angelos dans le Paganisme Grec et Romain," Harvard Theological Review, vol. 53 (1960).

· Trigg, J.W. "The Angel of Great Counsel: Christ and the Angelic Hierarchy in Origen's Theology." Journal of Theological Studies, New Series, vol. 42 (1991), pp. 35-51.

· Ward, B. The Desert Christian: The Sayings of the Desert Fathers (New York, 1975).

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